Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo (Università di Pisa) Wellbeing In a Dematerialized Economy: An RRI Conception (WIDE-ARC) Avvio: 24 Ottobre 2022 Dipartimenti: Economia e Management, Scienze Politiche, Giurisprudenza, CISP Team: Asya Bellia (Ar), Marta Bonetti (Ar), Nicola Campigotto (Ar), Fulvio Corsi (Pa), Tiziano Distefano (Rd), Pietro Guarnieri (Rd), Vincenzo Lomonaco (Rd), Federica Nieri (Rd), Enza […]
Sustainable Welfare, Green Social Work and the Impacts of the Corona Crisis
Webinar – 9 June 2020, 16:00 – 18:00 (Italy time) Sustainable Welfare, Green Social Work and the Impacts of the Corona Crisis An International Comparison Flyer here – Blog article (German) here Agenda and Downloadable Presentations 16:00 Input: Sustainable Welfare and the current Corona Crisis – Prof. Matteo Villa, University of Pisa / Presentation here […]
Coronavirus Socio-Economic Research & Responses in the world – JUMPER* tracker
This webpage collects links to institutions gathering data and carrying out analysis on the policies put in place to tackle the Coronvirus crisis (Covid-19). Continuously updating; suggestions can be sent to > Credit: JUMPER* Team and other international researchers PAGE INDEX (click to access sections) > Institutional Policy Trackers and Portals > Other trackers […]
International Workshop: Welfare recalibration and the Ecological Crisis
Welfare recalibration and the ecological crisis: research topics, approaches and findings for a sustainable transition (Ricalibratura del welfare e crisi ecologica: temi, approcci e risultati di ricerca per una transizione sostenibile) Pisa, 11 November 2019, 14:00 – 18:30 Aula Magna Palazzo Boilleau, via Santa Maria, 85 Program HERE / QUI – Fyer / Locandina HERE […]
Seminar: Sustainable Approaches in Social Work
How to notice Subtle Differences to contribute to more Sustainable approaches in Social Work? (Come notare sottili differenze per favorire approcci più sostenibili nel lavoro sociale?) Open Seminar / Seminario Aperto Pisa, 17 ottobre 2019, 14:30 – 17:30 Aula E1 Polo Piagge Speaker: Randi Edland Kroken, Associate Professor in Social Work at University of […]