Associate Professor in Economic Sociology, he teaches Sociology of Organization, Comparative Welfare Systems and Ecology of Socio-Economic Systems. Research topics concern the ecological crisis and transformation of welfare and socio-economic systems, the comparative analysis of social and labor policies and socio-economic exclusion processes, as well as organization and participation studies. Research approaches integrate pragmatism and cybernetics, in particular through systemic action-research methods, which are implemented also for teaching, training and consulting with groups, nonprofit and public organizations. He is been a social worker and is a conscientious objector, for nonviolence and against military service and weapons, and a free-software activist.
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New – Innovazione sociale e transizione ecologica: ilcaso delle comunità energetiche, Saggio, 2024
Corso di Alta Formazione ECOESIONE – III Edizione: 11 ottobre – 16 marzo. Info qui
Guerra e responsabilità della ricerca. 28 maggio 2024 ore 17.00, Aula Magna Storica – Palazzo della Sapienza, Pisa. Locandina qui
Responsible Research and Innovation for PhD students, University of Pisa, CISP-RRI Group; 13, 17, 24 May 2024, Pisa. Course Programme here
Estetica, interdipendenza e ricorsività: crisi e transizione ecologica secondo un approccio di complessità, PhD Scienze Politiche, Pisa, Polo Piagge, Aula N2 – 10 e 15 Aprile 2024. Locandina qui.
Political Ecology of Work: Drivers and Barriers of the Just Transition. 18 aprile 2024, 9:30 – 13:00. Aula Ardigò, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada maggiore 45, Bologna. Info here
Moda e biodiversità: un futuro sostenibile? Seminario Aperto – Planet4B Horizon 2020 Project. Better decisions for biodiversity and people, Pisa, Polo Piagge – 25 Marzo 2024 ore 14:00-16:30. Locandina qui.
Seminario Strategie di sostenibilità
nella gestione delle risorse umane. 12 gennaio 2024. Info qui
Seminar: Work and welfare transformation in the ecological crisis, University of Padova 08-11-2023
Publication: The conflicts of ecological transition on the ground and the role of eco-social policies: lessons from Italian case studies, European Journal of Social Security, 2023: here
Publication: La sida del welfare sostenibile, in Introduzione all’ecologia politica, Il Mulino, 2023: here
Publication: Los conflictos de la transición ecológica y su transformación, in Pensando para la paz, Dyckinson, 2023: here
Pubblication: Work and welfare transformations in the climate crisis: A research pathway towards an ecological, just transition, «Sociologia del lavoro», n. 165 (1), 2023, Special Issue. Article in open access: here. Special issue: here.
Pubblication: Towards a sustainable welfare system? The challenges and scenarios of eco-social transitions , Special Issue – Social Policy n. 1/2023. Here
NEW – The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth. Article open access.
How 380 Climate Scientists feel about the future … Terrified but determined to keep fighting here.
Climate Action Tracker: The new CAT Data Explorer and a User Guide included.
April 25, 2024, A thoughtful contribution for the Italian Liberation Day: Karl Polanyi, The Essence of Fascism, 1935 – here.
The irrationality of war, Michael Mann, article here.
The war against decolonization, Nelson Maldonado Torres, Video here.
La scuola va alla guerra. Inchiesta sulla militarizzazione dell’istruzione in Italia, Antonio Mazzeo, Libro qui
The International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) Statement on Gaza HERE
Le sei zampe di ENI sulle scuole e le università italiane, Rapporto Greenpeace, Nov. 2023, qui
Rapporto “Consumo di suolo, dinamiche territoriali e servizi ecosistemici”, ISPRA, Ott 2023 qui
Climate Equality: a planet for the 99%. Oxfam and Stockholm Environment Institute’s (SEI) estimating distribution of global carbon emissions based on consumption. Info and Download Here.
COP15 UN 2030 Biodiversity Agreement (Dec. 2022) here
Closing the Emissions Gap: Climate Action Roadmap for Limiting Warming to 1.5°C here
Consumo di suolo, dinamiche territoriali e servizi ecosistemici. Edizione 2022 qui
Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2021 here
Oil sector’s ‘staggering’ $3bn-a-day profits for last 50 years here
The ‘carbon bombs’ set to trigger catastrophic climate breakdown here
National responsibility for ecological breakdown. The Lancet here
Regioni e neutralità climatica: primo Ranking regionale sul clima qui
IPCC 6th assesment report on Climate Change… widespread, rapid, intensifying here
The nexus of climate change and welfare: a new concept of the welfare state: here
Greenness of Stimulus Index post Covid-19: Not very green indeed…. See Reports
Global Biodiversity Outlook here – Ecosystem collapse as biodiversity declines here
Associate Professor in Economic Sociology, he teaches Sociology of Organization, Comparative Welfare Systems and Ecology of Socio-Economic Systems. Research topics concern the ecological crisis and transformation of welfare and socio-economic systems, the comparative analysis of social and labor policies and socio-economic exclusion processes, as well as organization and participation studies. Research approaches integrate pragmatism and cybernetics, in particular through systemic action-research methods, which are implemented also for teaching, training and consulting with groups, nonprofit and public organizations. He is been a social worker and is a conscientious objector, for nonviolence and against military service and weapons, and a free-software activist.
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Sources: Free Software Foundation; Free and Open: Wikipedia e Qui
Operating systems (distro) / Sistemi operativi (o distribuzioni): Distrowatch;
Come fare: Guida per principianti (solo un esempio, sul web se ne trovano molte altre).
Open Source Smartworking for everyone / Videoconferencing con strumenti open per tutti:, GARR: OpenMeet, EduMeet, BlueMeet
Open Science Note / Nota su Open Science: here / qui
Responsible Research & Innovation: here
Iniziative e info / Initiatives and news:
- Universities, software and freedom. Richard Stallman 07-06-23. Info qui
- Pubblicazione su Gli Asini n. 99, maggio 2022 articoli su istruzione e software libero qui.
- Lontani ma non soli: Ciclo di seminari sugli strumenti per la DAD: Registrazioni.
- Software libero e piattaforme nazionali: proposte SIA
- Privacy, piattaforme digitali, open source e Corte di Giustizia EU: qui e qui
- Aule virtuali per tutti per attività a distanza basate su strumenti open source qui.
Scholars & Networks links: Footer area / Qui sotto