– Letterature Scandinave – Notes & Bibliography

(The course will be delivered together with prof. A. Fambrini)

Between passions and description. Scandinavian literature of the nineteenth century

The course will focus on the main issues which qualify the core of the Scandinavian cultures, from their origins until today. It will be thus investigated a large set of peculiar features which, during the time, gave rise to odd myths and common places – from the ruthless marauders of the Viking age to the fair and tolerant democracies of the second Post-war period. A specific portion of the course will then be devoted to the analysis of the Romanticism, both in its nationalistic version (in Oehlenschläger, Grundtvig, Geijer, and Tegnér) and in its more naturalistic side (Hans Christian Andersen, the most famous figure in Scandinavian literature of the XIX century). The course will then focus on the fin-de-siècle literary debate and its dialogue with German culture, through authors and works which are essential to understanding the debate of the culture of the twentieth century.

The course involves the participation of some scholars and experts in the field of Scandinavia studies

For guidance purposes, it may be useful to consult one of the following modern grammars:

  1. Wegener, A., Willert Bortignon, I.-M., Panieri, L., Grammatica Danese. Fonetica, morfologia, sintassi ed esercizi, Hoepli, 2013;
  2. Brännström, A., Bunge Repetto, C., Meregalli, A., Grammatica svedese. Manuale di morfologia e sintassi con esercizi, Hoepli, 2018;
  3. Strandskogen Å.-B., Strandskogen, Norwegian. An Essential Grammar, Routledge, 1986.

Ciaravolo, M. (a cura di), Storia delle letterature scandinave, Iperborea, 2019 (pp. 105-53); Greenway, J.L., The Golden Horns, University of Georgia Press, 1977 (chh. 8-9); R. H. Sanders, The Languages of Scandinavia, Univ. of Chicago Press, 2017 (chh. 2-3-5-6).
Three texts among the following:
A) H. C. Andersen, L’improvvisatore, Eliot, 2013
B) G. Brandes, Georg Brandes, Radicalismo aristocratico e altri scritti su Nietzsche, Università degli Studi di Trento, 2001
C) J. P. Jacobsen, Niels Lyhne, Iperborea, 1995 (or Mondadori, 1980)
D) H. Ibsen, Casa di bambola, Einaudi, 1972
E) A. Strindberg, Signorina Julie, Adelphi, 1982
One text of literary criticism among the following:
A) A. Fambrini, Friedrich Nietzsche. La prima ricezione, Studi germanici, 2014
B) F. Perrelli, Strindberg e il teatro della vita, Iperborea, 2003
C) L. A. Salome, Figure di donne. Le figure femminili nei sei drammi familiari di Ibsen, Iperborea, 1997

Non-attending students ONLY

Ciaravolo, M. (a cura di),Storia delle letterature scandinave, Iperborea, 2019 (pp. 153-229); Battaglia, M.  Medioevo volgare germanico (2. ed. riv. e ampliata; con un contributo di M.R. Digilio), Pisa University Press, 2016 (capp. 5-6); Greenway, J.L., The Golden Horns, University of Georgia Press, 1977 (cc. 8-9); R. H. Sanders, The Languages of Scandinavia, University of Chicago Press, 2017 (cc. 2-3-5-6). H. C. Andersen, L’improvvisatore, Eliot, 2013; G. Brandes, Georg Brandes, Radicalismo aristocratico e altri scritti su Nietzsche, Università degli Studi di Trento, 2001; J. P. Jacobsen, Niels Lyhne, Iperborea, 1995 (or Mondadori, 1980); H. Ibsen, Casa di bambola, Einaudi, 1972; A. Strindberg, Signorina Julie, Adelphi, 1982

with an in-depth examination of the individual authors in the chapters of Ciaravolo, M. (see above)   

One text of literary criticism among the following:
A) A. Fambrini, Friedrich Nietzsche. La prima ricezione, Studi germanici, 2014
B) F. Perrelli, Strindberg e il teatro della vita, Iperborea, 2003
C) L. A. Salome, Figure di donne. Le figure femminili nei sei drammi familiari di Ibsen, Iperborea, 1997.

Università di Pisa
Lungarno Pacinotti 43, 56126 Pisa
P.I. 00286820501
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