Lingue e culture letterarie europee (A) – Linguistica, lingue europee ed extraeuropee (B) –
Lingue europee e storia d. arti visive e d. spettacolo (C)
La filologia germanica e le sue fonti. L’universo letterario e ideologico della saga norrena –
Germanic philology and its sources. The literary and ideological milieu of the old Norse saga
The course aims at providing the theoretical premises and the practical knowledge necessary for an understanding of the origins of the cultures developed by different Germanic ethnic groups, from prehistory onwards; The basic elements of Germanic linguistics, as well as their literary sources, will also be investigated. Chronologically, the course will mainly concentrate on the medieval period when the common cultural heritage can be more clearly perceived through the extant documents and literary texts worked out in the Germanic area. A part of the course will be focused on the Old Norse literary genre of the saga.
Battaglia, M., I Germani. Genesi di una cultura europea, Carocci, 2013 (except for ch. 13); Battaglia, M., Medioevo volgare germanico (2. ed. riv. e ampliata), Pisa University Press, 2016; lectures’ notes.
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Battaglia, M., I Germani. Genesi di una cultura europea, Carocci, 2013; Battaglia, M., Medioevo volgare germanico (2. ed. riv. e ampliata; con un contributo di M.R. Digilio), Pisa University Press, 2016; Battaglia, Marco, “Tra Tuysco e Theutona. Divagazioni antiquarie tra Umanesimo e Pre-Romanticismo tedeschi”, DAT DY MAN IN ALLA LANDEN FRY WAS. Studi filologici in onore di Giulio Garuti Simone Di Cesare, a cura di Battaglia M., Zironi A., Pisa, Pisa University Press, 2017: 15-49; Panieri, L., Fonologia delle lingue germaniche antiche, Pisa University Press, 2021
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