Shape-programmable soft materials based on liquid crystal elastomers

Some years ago a new type of soft-soft composites were prepared, called ‘Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Elastomes‘ (PDLCE), with actuation geometries different from usual uniaxial one. Now, a new preparation procedure was optimized to obtained PDLCE able to be moldable in different shapes, which can be programmed depending on the temperature at which external forces are applied.

Polymer-dispersed liquid crystal elastomers as moldable shape-programmable material | Nature Communications

This work was recently published with the collaboration of the team of the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana (Slovenia): Polymer-dispersed liquid crystal elastomers as moldable shape-programmable material, Nature Communications, 14, Article number: 764, (2023).

These materials are very interesting and promising for applications as smart materials, shape-memory materials, 3D printing moldable materials, and several researches are in progress.

Università di Pisa
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