
Journal Articles

Corciolani, M. (2024) “Exploring authenticity meanings in the global-local continuum: Semiotic insights from the Måneskin case”, International Marketing Review, Article publication date: 5 July 2024, DOI 10.1108/IMR-10-2023-0274.

Corciolani, M., Giuliani, E., Humphreys, A., Nieri, F., Tuan, A., Zajac, E. (2024) “Lost and found in translation: How firms use anisomorphism to manage the institutional complexity of CSR”, Journal of Management Studies, 61, 2, pp. 413-444, DOI 10.1111/joms.12877.

Tuan, A., Corciolani, M., Giuliani, E. (2024) “Being reassuring about the past, while promising a better future: How companies frame temporal focuses in social responsibility reporting”, Business & Society, 63, 3, pp. 626-667, DOI 10.1177/00076503231182627.

Corciolani, M. (2023) “Navigating institutional complexity through emotion work: The case of Italian consumers adapting to a ketogenic diet”, Journal of Business Research, 158, March, DOI 10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.113657.

Forsberg, E.M., Corciolani, M., Szulecka, J., Strøm-Andersen, N. (2023) “Widening the scope of responsible innovation: Food waste and the role of consumers”, Journal of Responsible Innovation, 10, 1, DOI 10.1080/23299460.2023.2243080.

Capodistrias, P., Szulecka, J., Corciolani, M., Strøm-Andersen, N. (2022) “European food banks and COVID-19: The impact on food redistribution and innovation in times of crisis”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 82, A, DOI 10.1016/j.seps.2021.101191.

Corciolani, M., Grayson, K., Humphreys, A. (2020) “Do more experienced critics review differently? How field-specific cultural capital influences the judgments of cultural intermediaries”, European Journal of Marketing, 54, 3, 478-510, DOI 10.1108/EJM-01-2019-0095.

Corciolani, M., Nieri, F., Tuan, A.  (2020) “Does involvement in corporate social irresponsibility affect the linguistic features of corporate social responsibility reports?”, CSR and Environmental Management, 27, 2, 670–680, DOI 10.1002/csr.1832 (Available online 01 August 2019).

Gistri, G., Corciolani, M. (2020) “Towards a better understanding of practitioners’ ideas about product placement: An empirical analysis in the Italian context”, Italian Journal of Marketing, 4, 261-288, Published online: 12 October 2020, DOI  10.1007/s43039-020-00014-5.

Corciolani, M., Gistri, G., Pace, S. (2019) “Legitimacy struggles in palm oil controversies: An institutional perspective”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 212, March, 1117-1131, ISSN 0959-6526, DOI 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.12.103 (Available online 11 December 2018).

Gistri, G., Corciolani, M., Pace, S. (2019) “Does the perception of incongruence hurt more? Customers’ responses to CSR crises affecting the main reputation dimension of a company”, Journal of Marketing Management, 35, 7-8, 605-633, ISSN 0267-257X, DOI 10.1080/0267257X.2019.1580761 (Available online 11 March 2019).

Gistri, G., Pace, S., Corciolani, M., (2018) “The interaction effect between brand identification and personal crisis relevance on consumers’ emotional reactions to a fashion brand crisis”, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 9, 3, 252-269, DOI 10.1080/20932685.2018.1461021.

Corciolani, M., Borghini, S., Scarpi, D. (2018) “Buying, renting, and sharing: Investigating new forms of acquisition”, Mercati e competitività, 1, 13-18, ISSN 1826-7386, DOI 10.3280/MC2018-001002.

Pace, S., Corciolani, M., Gistri, G. (2017) “Consumers’ responses to ethical brand crises on social media platforms”, Mercati e Competitività, 1, 141-157, ISSN 1972-4861, DOI 10.3280/MC2017-001008.

Corciolani, M., Gistri, G., Pace, S. (2016) “Exploring the palm oil crisis through the lens of different social media: An analysis of Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter contents”, Mercati e Competitività, 4, 43-64, ISSN 1972-4861, DOI 10.3280/MC2016-004004.

Corciolani, M. (2014) “How do authenticity dramas develop? An analysis of Afterhours fans’ responses to the band’s participation in the Sanremo Music Festival”, Marketing Theory, 14, 2, 185-206 (Published online before print February 5, 2014), ISSN 1470-5931, DOI 10.1177/1470593114521454.

Corciolani, M., Dalli, D. (2014) “Gift-giving, sharing and commodity exchange at New insights from a qualitative analysis”, Management Decision, 52, 4, 755-776, ISSN 0025-1747, DOI 10.1108/MD-03-2012-0241.

Dalli, D., Corciolani, M. (2008) “Collective forms of resistance: the transformative power of moderate communities. Evidence from the Bookcrossing case”, International Journal of Market Research, 50 (6), 757-775, ISSN 1470-7853, DOI 10.2501/S1470785308200195.

Book Chapters

Grayson, K., Corciolani, M. (2015) “Authenticity”, in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies (Cook, D.T., Ryan, J.M. eds.), ISBN 9781118989463, DOI 10.1002/9781118989463.

Wiedman, K.P., Hennigs, N., Behrens, S., Santos, C.R., Pertejo, A.R., Kuster, I., Ganassali, S., Moscarola, J., Dalli, D., Corciolani, M., Laaksonen, P., Turley, D., Kenyon, A. (2013) “Consumer culture. Literature review”, in Consumption Culture in Europe: Insight Into the Beverage Industry (Santos, C.R., Ganassali, S., Casarin, F., Laaksonen, P., Kaufmann, H.R. eds.), Business Science Reference, 57-73, ISBN 9781466628571, DOI 10.4018/978-1-4666-2857-1.


Corciolani, M., Nieri, F., Tuan, A. (2019) “Corporate social irresponsibility and the linguistic features of CSR reports”, 5th International CSR Communication Conference, Stockholm School of Economics, Competitive Paper (Abstract Published), September 18-19.

Giuliani, E., Humphreys, A., Dalli, D., Tuan, A., Corciolani, M. (2018) “Strategic CSR framing by firms in emerging markets”, Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2018, N. 1, Competitive Paper (Abstract Published), August 10-14, Chicago,

Corciolani, M., Grayson, K., Humphreys, A. (2017) “How do authenticity meanings evolve? A longitudinal analysis of music album reviews”, Competitive Paper (Extended Abstract published), Association for Consumer Research, San Diego, October 26-29, ISBN 978-0-915552-77-1.

Pace, S., Corciolani, M., Gistri, G. (2016) “The elaboration of ethical brand crises on social media”, Competitive Paper (Extended Abstract published), Association for Consumer Research, Berlin, October 27-30, ISBN 978-0-915552-24-5.

Bardhi, F., Corciolani, M., Dalli, D. (2016) “Consumption acquisition practices”, Competitive Paper (Abstract published), in Proceedings of the 45th EMAC, BI Oslo, May 24-27, ISBN 978-82-8247-284-5.

Gistri, G., Pace, S., Corciolani, M. (2016) “What happens to customers when a crisis hits the core dimension of corporate reputation? The role of the perception of congruence versus incongruence”, Competitive Paper, in Proceedings of the 45th EMAC, BI Oslo, May 24-27, ISBN 978-82-8247-284-5.

Corciolani, M., Gistri, G., Pace, S. (2016) “Crisis communication and consumer’s responses: The role of the need of cognitive closure”, Competitive Paper, Proceedings of the XV Congresso Internazionale Marketing Trends, J.C. Andreani (eds.), Venice, January 21-23, ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5.

Pace, S., Corciolani, M., Gistri, G. (2015) “Crisis congruence and corporate reputation: The moderating role of product involvement”, Competitive Paper, in Proceedings of the 44th EMAC, KU Leuven, May 26-29, ISBN 978-90-823-8330-0.

Tuan, A., Corciolani, M., Dalli, D., Gandolfo, A. (2015) “Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure in Emerging Countries. Evidence from a content analysis of Chinese CSR and Annual Reports”, Competitive Paper (Abstract published), 6th EMAC Regional Conference, WU Vienna, Austria, September 16-18, ISBN 978-3-200-04265-0.

Corciolani, M. (2015) “The effect of social identity threats on products evaluations. An exploration in the field of popular music”, Competitive Paper, Proceedings of the XIV Marketing Trends International Conference J.C. Andreani, U. Collesei (eds.), Paris, January 23-24, ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5.

Corciolani, M., Santanelli, M. (2014) “L’effetto dell’autenticità sull’attaccamento alla marca. Prime evidenze empiriche e implicazioni di marketing (The effect of brand authenticity on brand attachment. First empirical evidences and marketing implications)”, Competitive Paper, Proceedings of the XIII Marketing Trends International Conference, U. Collesei, J.C. Andreani (eds.), Venezia, January 24-25, ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5.

Corciolani, M. (2013) “The role of product involvement on the relationship between object-related authenticity and existential authenticity”, Competitive Paper (Abstract published), in Elif Karaosmanoğlu and A. Banu Elmadağ Baş (eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC, June 4-6, İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Management, Istanbul, ISBN 978-9944-380-10-2.

Corciolani, M. (2011) “In defence of authenticity. An analysis of consumers’ responses to a crisis of authenticity”, Competitive Paper (Extended Abstract published), European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, UK, June 30-July 3, ISBN 9780915552665.

Corciolani, M. (2009) “La ricerca di autenticità da parte dei consumatori di musica (The search for authenticity on the part of music consumers)”, Competitive Paper, Proceedings of the Marketing Trends International Conference, U. Collesei, J.C. Andreani (eds.), Parigi, January 16-17, ISBN 9782953281101.

Casarotto S, Ricciardi E, Corciolani M, Romani S, Dalli D, Pietrini P. (2008) “Covert visual brand recognition modulates emotional neural networks: a fMRI study”, Competitive Paper, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Neuroimage, vol. 41, Oxford: Elsevier, ISSN: 1053-8119, Melbourne, June 15-19.

Dalli, D., Pietrini, P., Ricciardi, E., Romani, S., Casarotto, S., Corciolani, M., Sanna, F. (2008) “Le basi neurologiche del rapporto tra il consumatore e la marca. Il contributo del neuro-imaging alle ricerche di marketing (Neural bases for the consumer-brand relationship. The role of neuroimaging in marketing research)”, Competitive Paper, Proceedings of the VII Marketing Trends International Conference, U. Collesei, J.C. Andreani (eds.), Venezia, January 25-26, ISBN 9788890245923.

Dalli, D., Corciolani, M. (2007) “Il consumo tra comunità e mercato. Evidenze empiriche dal caso Bookcrossing (Consumption between market and community. Evidence from the Bookcrossing case)”, Competitive Paper, Proceedings of the VI Marketing Trends International Conference, U. Collesei, J.C. Andreani (eds.), Parigi, 26-27 Gennaio, ISBN 9788890245916.

Italian Journal, Book, and Book Chapter Publications

Corciolani, M. (2020) “Pratiche di consumo e dinamiche di mercato: Un approccio istituzionale al marketing”, Franco Angeli, ISBN 9788835106494.

Corciolani, M. (2018) “Le nuove tendenze di consumo al confine tra materiale e digitale”, Micro & Macro Marketing, 2, 185-188, ISSN 1121-4228, DOI 10.1431/90502.

Corciolani, M. (2015) “Fare e ricevere regali nella sharing economy. Teorie, comunità e pratiche di consumo”, Sinergie, 33, 98, 287-309, ISSN 0393-5108, DOI 10.7433/s98.2015.17.

Corciolani, M., Santanelli, M. (2014) “L’effetto dell’autenticità della marca sull’attaccamento alla marca e sul senso di di distinzione sociale avvertito dai consumatori”, Mercati e Competitività, 1, 37-59, ISSN 1972-4861, Best Paper Award 2014 – Mercati e Competitività Journal.

Corciolani, M. (2011) “I consumatori alla ricerca di autenticità nell’esperienza di consumo. Teorie, evidenze empiriche e implicazioni operative”, Micro&Macro Marketing, 3, 527-50, ISSN 1121-4228, DOI 10.1431/36064.

Corciolani, M. (2011) “La ricerca di autenticità nei processi di consumo. Analisi sul campo e implicazioni di marketing per il settore discografico”, Edizioni Plus, ISBN 9788884927538.

Corciolani, M. (2010) “Il marketing dell’autenticità in condizioni critiche. Il caso degli Afterhours al Festival di Sanremo”, Finanza, Marketing e Produzione, 28 (4 – Special Issue “Frontiere della Comunicazione di Marketing”), 54-79, ISSN 2239-7191, DOI 10.1400/199969.

Corciolani, M. (2010) “La produzione di autenticità per il mercato. Un’esplorazione nel campo della popular music”, Tafter, n. 26 – agosto 2010, ISSN 1974-563X.

Corciolani, M. (2009) “Lo sviluppo delle misure non finanziarie della performance. Il punto di vista del marketing”, in Studi e Ricerche su Costi e Performance (a cura di Paola Miolo Vitali), 33-49, ISBN 9788884926043.

Corciolani, M. (2008) “‘Tu… forse non essenzialmente tu’ Il consumo di musica e la ricerca dell’autenticità”, Ticonzero, No. 88/2008.

International Conference Presentations

Forsberg, E.M., Corciolani, M., Strøm-Andersen, N., Szulecka, J. (2022) “Widening the scope of responsible innovation: Food waste and the role of consumers”, Building REsponsibility And Developing Innovative Strategies for Tackling Food Waste (BREAD) Project Workshop, Pisa, May 5th-6th 2022.

Capodistrias, P., Szulecka, J., Corciolani, M., Strøm-Andersen, N. (2021) “European food banks and COVID-19”, Tackling Food Waste Through the Redistribution of Surplus Food: Policies and Best Practices Across Europe workshop, Oslo, December 9th.

Corciolani, M., Forsberg, E-M., Norsus, A-G., Schrøder, A. M. (2021) “How do consumer perceptions of co-responsibility in the food sector influence companies’ responsible innovation? New insights emerging from citizen science”, AFINO workshop, November 19th.

Bardhi, F., Corciolani, M., Dalli, D. (2019) “A Typology of Consumption Acquisition Practices”, 22nd AMS World Marketing Congress, University of Edinburgh Business School, July 9-12.

Corciolani, M. (2019) “Consumption communities and institutional work: The role of Facebook communities in legitimating new diets”, 2nd Edition of Neo Institutional Theory and Marketing, ISC Paris Business School, June 6-7.

Giuliani, E., Humphreys, A., Dalli, D., Tuan, A., Corciolani, M. (2018) “Strategic CSR framing by firms in emerging markets”, 5° Annual University of Edinburgh Business School Paper Development Workshop – Organisational and Institutional Change, Edinburgh, March 5th.

Corciolani, M., Dalli, D., Tuan, A. (2017) “Digital tools and new opportunities for analyzing CSR communication”, Workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Digital Economy, ETHOS Centre for Responsible Enterprise Cass Business School, London, UK, November 10th.

Corciolani, M., Gistri, G., Pace, S. (2017) “Legitimating practices in contested markets: The case of sustainable palm oil”, Workshop Emerging trends in qualitative research: A focus on social media research, Pisa, May 19th.

Corciolani, M., Grayson, K., Humphreys, A. (2016) “How do authenticity meanings evolve over years?”, Marketing and Communication Networks Research Lab 6th Meeting: Creative industries at Toulouse Business School, December 6th.

Tuan, A., Corciolani, M., Dalli, D. (2016) “Consumers’ reactions to new corporate community initiatives. The role of the type of community and country of origin”, Poster Session, 45th EMAC, BI Oslo, May 24-27.

Corciolani, M., Dalli, D., Gandolfo, A., Giuliani, E., Tuan, A. (2016) “What do emerging economy firms actually disclose in their CSR reports? A longitudinal analysis”, Human Rights and the Multinational Enterprise, Pisa, 4-5 February.

Corciolani, M., Dalli, D., Gandolfo, A., Giuliani, E., Tuan, A. (2015) “What do emerging economy firms actually disclose in their CSR reports? A longitudinal analysis”, 3rd Workshop on Business Ethics, Brussels, 5-6 November, ISSN 2406-4130.

Gistri, G., Pace, S., Corciolani, M. (2015) “The effects of brand loyalty on the emotional reactions to a luxury brand crisis: The Moncler case”, Global Fashion Management Conference, Firenze, June 25-28, ISSN 2288-825X.

Tuan, A., Corciolani, M., Gandolfo, A., Dalli, D. (2015) “Investigating CSR Communication by using automatic content analysis of CSR and Annual Reports. Evidence from Chinese firms”, Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, Marseille, September 16-18.

Bardhi, F., Corciolani, M., Dalli, D. (2014) “An examination of the non-ownership consumption”, Perspectives Session Proposal “Access Based Consumption: Critique and Development”, VIII Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Helsinki, June 26-29.

Corciolani, M., Dalli, D., Bardhi, F. (2013) “Non-ownership consumption”, 7th Workshop in Interpretive Consumer Research, B. Cova, D. Dalli, A. Shankar (eds), Brussels, Apr 11-12.

Corciolani, M. (2012) “The consumers’ quest for authenticity. A Mediterranean perspective”, 9a Giornata di Studio sul Consumo e sul Marketing Mediterraneo, B. Cova, A. Carù, D. Dalli (eds.), Marseille, June 28-29.

Corciolani, M., Grayson, K. (2011) “Brand De-Authentication: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Explorations”, Perspectives Session Proposal “Deeper Explorations of the Mechanics of Authenticity”, VI Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Northwestern University, July 7-10.

Dalli, D., Corciolani, M. (2011) “Consumers give, consumers take. Value generation and distribution at Bookcrossing, Couchsurfing, and Geocaching”, Consumption communities as agents of change in the market process Special Session at the 6th Workshop in Interpretive Consumer Research, P. Østergaard, B. Cova, A.Shankar (eds), Odense, May 6-7.

Corciolani, M. (2009) “Wish WE Were Here. In search of authenticity in music consumption”, Poster Session, IV Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Poster Session, June 11-14.

Dalli, D., Bartoli, M., Corciolani, M. (2007) “Consumption between market and community: emancipation from and/or identification with the market”, II Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Fischer, E., Sherry, J. (eds.), YorkUniversity, Toronto, May 25-26.

Dalli, D., Corciolani, M. (2007) “Consumption between market and community: evidence from the Bookcrossing case”, 4th Workshop in Interpretive Consumer Research, B. Cova, R. Elliott (eds), Marseille, April 26-27.

Italian Conference Presentations

Corciolani, M., Del Mancino, M., Dalli, D. (2023) “How does technology help patient empowerment evolve toward a customer-led healthcare? Opportunities and risks of a consumerization of healthcare”, Competitive Paper, XX Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Firenze, 20-21 Ottobre, ISBN 978-88-947829-0-5.

Corciolani, M. (2022) “Conflicting institutional logics and consumer identity work in a ketogenic diet’s Facebook group: A focus on the role of emotions”, Competitive Paper, XIX Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Salerno, 20-21 Ottobre, ISBN 978-88-943918-8-6.

Corciolani, M., Gistri, G. (2018) “Obsolescenza programmata e relazione con il brand: Un’analisi delle reazioni dei consumatori al caso Apple”, Competitive Paper, XV Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Bari, 18-19 Ottobre, ISBN 978-88-943918-2-4.

Corciolani, M., Gistri, G., Pace, S. (2017) “Megamarketing and sustainibility in contested markets: A longitudinal analysis of media discourses about palm oil”, Competitive Paper, XIV Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Bergamo, 26-27 Ottobre, ISBN 978-88-907662-9-9, Premio Best Paper della Sezione Sustainability Marketing.

Gistri, G., Corciolani, M., Pace, S. (2016) “L’effetto dell’incongruenza fra reputazione e evento critico sull’efficacia delle strategie di risposta alla crisi”, Competitive Paper, XIII Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Cassino, 20-21 Ottobre, ISBN 978-88-907662-6-8, Premio Best Paper della Sezione Tematica Marketing Communication & Branding.

Tuan, A., Dalli, D., Corciolani, M., Gandolfo, A. (2016) “Communicating CSR: A selective empirical review of theories and methods. Work in progress”, Competitive Paper, XIII Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Cassino, 20-21 Ottobre, ISBN 978-88-907662-6-8.

Tuan, A., Corciolani, M., Dalli, D., Gandolfo, A. (2016) “Digital media and new opportunities for doing research in management. The case of CSR Communication”, Convegno Sinergie, Udine, 9-10 giugno.

Massara, F., Corciolani, M. (2015) “Situational and dispositional mediators to elicit advocacy towards heritage protection”, XII Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Torino, 22-23 Ottobre, ISBN 978-88-907662-4-4.

Pace, S., Corciolani, M., Gistri, G. (2015) “Crisis communication ed etica del marketing: Il ruolo del pubblico nei social media”, XII Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Torino, 22-23 Ottobre, ISBN 978-88-907662-4-4.

Tuan, A., Corciolani, M., Dalli, D., Gandolfo, A. (2015) “Emerging economy multinational firms: Discovering topics and trends through the automatic content analysis of CSR and Annual reports”, XII Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Torino, 22-23 Ottobre, ISBN 978-88-907662-4-4.

Bardhi, F., Corciolani, M., Dalli, D. (2014) “Modes of Acquisition of Consumption Resources: Critique and Development”, Perspectives Session Proposal “Access Based Consumption: Critique and Development”, XI Convegno annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Modena e Reggio Emilia, 18-19 Settembre, ISBN 978-88-907662-2-0.

Corciolani, M., Grayson, K. (2010) “Le minacce all’autenticità della marca. Sistematizzazione della letteratura, impostazione della ricerca sul campo, prime evidenze empiriche”, VII Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Ancona, 23-24 Settembre.

Corciolani, M. (2009) “Musicisti autentici ed esperienze autentiche. Un’analisi del concetto di autenticità nel campo della popular music”, VI Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Firenze, 6-7 Novembre.

Corciolani, M. (2008) “La ricerca di autenticità da parte dei consumatori. Implicazioni per la funzione di marketing”, XIII Convegno annuale AIDEA-Giovani, Palermo, 29-30 Maggio.


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