Available thesis

MM-wave smart labels: The activity aims at realizing a new class of smart labels for embedding information in the packaging of objects. The proposed technology relies on tiny and completely passive smart resonators attached or directly integrated into the packaging. The smart labels are designed at mm-wave frequencies in order to drastically miniaturize their size both in terms of occupied footprint and in terms of substrate thickness. The use of mm-wave frequency band allows to shrink the footprint of the smart label below 1 cm^2 which is compatible with the size of the smallest objects and consumables in the market.  Wireless passive smart labels can be able to identify and authenticate packaged objects based on a physical layer protection and sense quantities of interest such as humidity, stress, pressure.

Reflecting Intelligent Surfaces: Reflecting Intelligent surfaces (RISs) have been recently proposed as a solution for 6G communication networks thanks to their capability to reflect and deviate the beams impinging into them by adjusting the biasing state of active components mounted on unit elements of the RIS. Differently from MIMO arrays which require amplifiers and other complex microwave components to receive, down-convert and retransmit the impinging signals, RISs provide an energy efficiency solution for future wireless systems.

Passive Radio Frequency Sensors: Passive readio frequency selective structures designed for detecting enviromental/biomedical/electrical parameters.

Useful publications: Smart Sensing: Chipless RFID Solutions for the Internet of EverythingAn inkjet printed chipless RFID sensor for wireless humidity monitoring

Anisotropic Metasurfaces: Anisotropic metasurfaces consist of a thin impedance layer characterized by a response depending on the polarization state of the impinging electromagnetic wave. These surfaces can be profitably used to change the polarization of the impinging EM waves (both in reflection and in transmission) at a single frequency but also in a considerable bandwidth. Equivalent circuit transmission line modeling is employed to analyse the metamaterial structure.

Useful publications: Metasurfaces from microwaves to visibleOptimal Design of Miniaturized Reflecting Metasurfaces for Ultra-Wideband and Angularly Stable Polarization Conversion

Multi-fed Leaky wave antennas: Design of 2D multi-fed leaky wave antennas. The antenna provides directive radiation with a limited number of sources combining array theory and travelling leaky-wave theory.

Useful publications: Leaky-Wave Theory Techniques and ApplicationsLeaky-Wave AntennasLinear Fabry-Perot_Leaky-Wave Antennas Excited by Multiple Sources

Wide Angle Impedance Matching (WAIM): Analysis and design of metamaterial radomes able to provide wide angle beam scanning to antenna arrays.

Useful publications: Element-Independent Design of Wide-Angle Impedance

For further information: filippo.costa@unipi.it 

Università di Pisa
Lungarno Pacinotti 43, 56126 Pisa
P.I. 00286820501
C.F. 80003670504

Servizio a cura del
SIA - Sistema Informatico di Ateneo

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