- L’azione esterna dell’Union europea, Editoriale scientifica, 2021 (edited with E. Bartoloni).
- Le misure restrittive autonome dell’Unione europea, Editoriale scientifica (authored), 2019.
- The European Neighbourhood Policy: Values and Principles, Routledge, (edited), 2016.
- EU Management of Global Emergencies-Legal Framework for Combating Threats and Crises, Brill, external relations series (edited with I. Govaere), 2014.
- The External Dimension of the European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Bruxelles, 2011 (edited with J. Monar, M. Cremona).
- La controversia sugli organismi geneticamente modificati tra obblighi OMC e competenza comunitaria, Naples, (authored), 2008.
- La responsabilità per danni da inquinamento transfrontaliero nel diritto comunitario e internazionale, Milan, (authored), 2006.
- Le misure restrittive russe davanti alla Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea: le tendenze giurisprudenziali emergenti, in Diritto dell’Unione europea 3-4/2023, p. 523-568 (scritto con F. Finelli).
- Limits to deprivation of national citizenship under European Union law: the case of foreign terrorist fighters and the right to be readmitted into the EU for their children, in corso di pubblicazione sul German Law Journal (written with L. Lonardo).
- Reinforcing Europe’s Technological Sovereignty Through Trade Measures: The EU and Member States’ Shared Sovereignty, in European Papers, Vol. 8, 2023, No 2, pp. 429-445.
- Context specific and structural changes in EU restrictive measures adopted in reaction to Russia’s aggression to Ukraine, in Eurojus n. 3/2023, pp.19-49, (written with F. Finelli)).
- The rationale and the perils of failing to invoke State responsibility for cyber-attacks: the case of the EU cyber sanctions, in German Law Journal, Volume 24, Special Issue 3: International Law and Digitalization, April 2023, pp. 522 – 536 (written with E. Sommario).
- Le misure Ue di contrasto alle attività di disinformazione russe alla prova della Carta europea dei diritti fondamentali, Quaderni Costituzionali, n. 3/2022, pp. 626-630.
- The right to effective judicial protection with respect to acts imposing restrictive measures and its transformative force for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, in Common Market Law Review n. 4/2022, p. 1045-1080.
- The strengthening of the European Technological Sovereignty and its legal bases in the Treaties, in Eurojus n. 2/2022, p. 147-164 (written with E. Fahey).
- Prime riflessioni sulla sentenza del Tribunale “RT France” sulle misure restrittive contro le attività di disinformazione russe, 5 settembre 2022, in Quaderni AISDUE 2/2022.
- La portata e i limiti delle misure restrittive, in SIDI Blog, 22 marzo 2022.
- Il rafforzamento della sovranità tecnologica europea e il problema delle basi giuridiche, in Sezione “Atti convegni AISDUE”, n. 5, 20 dicembre 2021.
- The UK as a Third Country: The Current Model of Cooperation with the European Union in the Adoption of Restrictive Measures, European papers, Vol. 6, 2021, No 1, European Forum, Insight of 14 May 2021, pp. 141-154.
- The German Federal Constitutional Court’s Exercise of Ultra Vires Review and the Possibility to Open an Infringement Action for the Commission (written with R. Cisotta), in German Law Journal, 2020, p. 1078-1089.
- The German Federal Court and its first ultra vires review: a critique and a preliminary assessment of its consequences, in Eurojus, 11 giugno 2020.
- The Integration of Migration Concerns into EU External Policies: Instruments, Techniques and Legal Problems, European Papers, vol. 5, 2020, No 1, pp. 71-94.
- La reazione dell’Unione europea di fronte alla crisi del Mediterraneo orientale: tra misure restrittive e la proposizione di “un’agenda politica positiva” alla Turchia European Papers, European Forum, 4 novembre 2020, pp. 1-20 (written with A. Pau).
- “Flexible” cooperation between the European Union and third countries to contain migration flows and the uncertainties of “compensation measures”: the case of the resettlement of refugees in EU Member States, Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo n. 4/2020, pp. 5272-5299.
- L’evoluzione del controllo giurisdizionale sugli atti PESC intesi a consolidare la rule of law: il caso delle misure restrittive sullo sviamento di fondi pubblici, in Diritto dell’Unione europea, 2019, p. 301.
- La politica di vicinato europea e la sua evoluzione nei rapporti con gli Stati del partenariato orientale, in Studi sull’integrazione europea, 2019, p. 631.
- The principle of conditionality in the EU’s relations with neighbours: its evolution and reconciliation with the principle of consistency, in Diritto dell’Unione europea n. 3/2018, p. 521-550.
- Mobility and legal migration in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy: what role for the European Union? (written with C. Cinelli), Revista española de derecho comunitario, 2017, p. 977-1003.
- The Common Foreign Security Policy after the Rosneft ruling: still imperfect but gradually subject to the rule of law, in Common Market Law Review, 2017, p. 1799-1834.
- Le preoccupazioni degli Stati membri per l’abuso delle libertà di circolazione alla luce della giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia, in Diritto dell’Unione europea, 2017, p. 567-604.
- L’Unione europea e le misure restrittive individuali a carattere economico: tendenze evolutive del quadro normativo e giurisprudenziale, in Studi sull’integrazione europea 2-3/2016, p. 475.
- Human Rights in EU external relations: setting the scene, in S. Poli (edited) Protecting Human Rights in the European Union’s external relations, Centre for Law of European External Relations (CLEER) paper 5/2016, Asser Institute, p. 7.
- The Promotion of Good Governance as an Autonomous Objective of the EU’s External Relations, in S. Poli (edited) Protecting Human Rights in the European Union’s external relations, Centre for Law of European External Relations (CLEER) paper 5/2016, Asser Institute, p. 115.
- Le misure restrittive dell’Unione europea per sviamento di fondi pubblici alla luce della sentenza Azarov, in 1 European Papers–A Journal of Law and Integration 2/2016 (online journal).
- La revisione della politica europea di vicinato e il controverso rapporto tra condizionalità e geometria variabile, in 1 European Papers-A Journal of Law and Integration 1/2016 (online journal).
- The European Neighbourhood Policy: differentiation without political conditionality? in Yearbook of Polish European Studies, 2015, p. 133-163.
- The reform of the EU legislation on genetically modified organisms: a journey to an unknown destination? European Journal of Risk Regulation, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 2015, p. 559-572.
- The Member States’ Long and Winding Road to Partial Regulatory Autonomy in Cultivating Genetically Modified Crops in the EU, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 2013, p. 143-157.
- The legal standing of private parties in the area of state aids after the appeal Commission v. Kronoply/ Kronotex, Legal issues of economic integration, 2012, p. 357.
- La base giuridica delle misure dell’UE di congelamento dei capitali nei confronti di persone fisiche o giuridiche o entità non statali che appoggiano il terrorismo, Rivista di Diritto Internazionale, 2012, p. 89.
- The Commission’s new approach to the cultivation of genetically modified organisms, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 2010, p. 339.
- The Legal Basis of Internal Market Measures With a Security Dimension. Comment on Case C-301/06 of 10/02/2009, Ireland v. Parliament/Council, nyr, European Constitutional Law Review, 2010, p. 137–157.
- Continuity and change in the EU regulatory framework on GMOs after the WTO dispute on “biotech products”, Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 2010, p. 133-148.
- What price for the community enforcement of WTO dispute settlement body’s rulings?, Opinio iuris in comparatione, n. 1/2010, p. 1-46 (written with A. Arcuri).
- The Kadi rulings: a survey of the literature, Yearbook of European Law, 2009, p. 533-558, (written with M. Tzanou).
- I limiti di “enforcement” delle decisioni dell’Organo di Risoluzione delle Controversie dell’OMC nell’ordinamento comunitario alla luce della sentenza Fiamm and Fedon, Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, 2009, p. 377-408.
- The Impact of the “Biotech Dispute” on WTO Law and its Challenges for the European Community, Yearbook of European Law, 2007, p. 317-353.
- The EC’s implementation of the WTO ruling in the biotech dispute, European Law Review, 2007, p. 705-726.
- Recenti sviluppi in materia di danno ambientale nell’Unione europea: profili di diritto sostanziale e di diritto internazionale privato, in Rivista di Diritto Internazionale Privato e Processuale, 2005, p. 643-679, written with G. Biagioni.
- Assicurazione e danni da inquinamento nelle Convenzioni internazionali e nella direttiva comunitaria, Danno e Responsabilità, 2005, p. 701-712.
- Environmental Law (2002-2003), Yearbook of European Law, 2004, p. 383-411, written with N. Notaro.
- The European Community and the adoption of international food standards within the Codex Alimentarius Commission, European Law Journal, 2004, (Blackwell), p. 613-630.
- Legislazioni anti-OGM degli Stati membri mercato interno: il caso austriaco, Diritto dell’Unione europea, 2004, p. 333-359.
- The overhaul of the European legislation on GMOs, genetically modified food and feed: mission accomplished. What now? Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 2004, p. 13-46.
- National Schemes Supporting the Use of Electricity Produced from Renewable Energy Sources and the Community Legal Framework-Case 379/98, PreussenElektra AG v. Schleswag AG, Journal of Environmental Law, 2002, p. 221-231.
- Environmental Law (2000-2002), Yearbook of European Law, 2002, p. 489-534 (with N. Notaro).
- The implementation of the EC environmental policy: between comitology procedures and standardisation bodies, Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 2000, p. 351-382.
- I «modelli» italiano e tedesco per danno ambientale in una prospettiva europea, Contratto e Impresa-Europa, 2000, p. 165-210.
- Shaping the EC civil liability system for environmental damage: progress or disillusionment?, European Environmental Law Review, 1999, p. 299-309.
- Gli accordi volontari nel diritto comunitario: un nuovo strumento per la tutela ambientale, Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente, 1998, p. 391-426.
- La Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea e le tendenze giurisprudenziali emergenti in materia di misure restrittive adottate in relazione all’aggressione russa all’Ucraina, in (a cura di) A. Alì, Le sanzioni dell’U.E. nei confronti della Federazione Russa, Giappichelli, in corso di pubblicazione.
- Enhancing European technological sovereignty: The Foreign Investment Screening Regulation as a means to protect critical infrastructure and critical technologies in the European Union, written with con D. Gallo, in K. Armstrong, J. Scott, A. Thies (eds), EU External Relations and the Power of Law-Essays in honour of Marise Cremona, 2024, Hart publishing, Cambridge, p. 215-250.
- Judicial challenges to EU restrictive measures by individual state organs, ‘emanations of non-EU member states’ and third countries: the limits to the Council’s discretion, in A. Lang, G. Adinolfi, C. Ragni, Sanctions by and against International organizations, Intersentia, Cambridge, 2024, p. 203-224.
- La definizione in senso stretto delle «situazioni di diritto interno» e la promozione delle libertà di circolazione: il contributo dell’Avvocato Generale Tesauro nell’ambito della causa «Surinder Singh», in Scritti in onore di Giuseppe Tesauro, un uomo, un europeista, Editoriale scientifica, 2023, Napoli, p. 365-378.
- The EU and US Global Human Rights Sanction Regimes: Useful Complementary Instruments to Advance Protection of Universal Values? A Legal Appraisal, E. Fahey (ed.), Routledge Handbook on Transatlantic Relations, 2023, p. 96-112.
- Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the CFSP: does it afford an adequate protection of the right to effective judicial protection to private parties? M. Eliantonio, M. Bonelli and G. Gentile (eds), Effective judicial protection in the EU: reality or illusion?, 2022, Hart publishing, Oxford, p. 177-192.
- Ensuring Respect for International Humanitarian Law Through Labelling Requirements: OJE and Vignoble Psagot, G. Butler and R. Wessel (eds), Reassessing 50 Years of EU External Relations Case Law, EU External Relations Law: The Cases in Context, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2022, p. 971-979.
- Il rispetto dei valori comuni nell’azione esterna e nel procedimento di adozione delle misure restrittive, in (ed. S. Cafaro), “Beni e valori comuni nelle dimensioni internazionale e sovranazionale”, XXV Convegno SIDI, Lecce, 24-25 settembre 2021, S. Cafaro (a cura di), XXV Convegno SIDI, 2022, p. 213-236.
- UK sanction policy after Brexit from Dependence to autonomy? (a cura di J. Santos Vara e R.A. Wessel) The Routledge Handbook on the International Dimension of Brexit (Routledge International Handbooks), 2020, p. 213-225.
- Recenti sviluppi in materia di PESC: verso l’attenuazione della sua specificità? in AA.VV, Temi e questioni di diritto dell’Unione europea-Scritti in onore di Claudia Morviducci, Cacucci editore 2019, p. 387.
- Judicial protection and its limits in the case law concerning individual restrictive measures in the European Union, E. Neframi, M. Gatti, Constitutional issues of EU external relations law, Nomos, Luxembourg, 2018, p. 287-306.
- L’uso di «prove riservate» nei ricorsi contro le misure restrittive individuali davanti alla Corte di Giustizia, in M. Condinanzi, C. Amalfitano, La Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea oltre i trattati: la riforma organizzativa e processuale del triennio 2012-2015, Giuffrè, Milano, 2018, p. 331-354.
- Comment to article 190 bis of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice, in C. Amalfitano, M. Condinanzi, P. Iannuccelli (eds.), Le regole del processo dinanzi al giudice dell’Unione europea, Giuffré, Milano, 2017, p. 900-913.
- L’abuso delle libertà di circolazione delle persone nel quadro complessivo della giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia, (A.M. Calamia) L’abuso del diritto casi scelti tra principi, regole e giurisprudenza, 2017, Giappichelli, Torino, p. 21-51.
- ‘The turning of non-state entities from objects to subjects of EU restrictive measures’, in E. Fahey and S. Bardutzky (eds.) Framing the subjects and objects of EU law, Edward Elgar, 2017, p. 158-181.
- The EU Anti-terrorism Policy in its external AFSJ Dimension: democratic Accountability and Human Rights Protection in the Post Lisbon Treaty Era,’ in Fletcher M., Herlin-Karnell E., Matera C. (ed.), The EU as an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Routledge, 2016, p. 389-416.
- Promoting EU Values in the Neighborhood Through EU Financial Instruments and Restrictive Measures, in S. Poli (ed), The European Neighbourhood Policy: Values and Principles, Routledge, 2016, p. 33-57.
- Introduction, S. Poli (ed.), The European Neighbourhood Policy: Values and Principles, Routledge, 2016, p. 1-8.
- Emergencies, Crises and Threats in the EU: what Role for the European Court of Justice? in EU management of global Emergencies-Legal Framework for combating Threats and Crises (edited by I. Govaere and S. Poli), Brill, 2014, p. 195-217.
- Introduction to EU Governance of (Global) Emergencies, Threats and Crises, in EU management of global Emergencies-Legal Framework for combating Threats and Crises (edited by I. Govaere and S. Poli), Brill, 2014, p. 1-9.
- Comment to art. 214 TFEU (humanitarian aid), Trattati dell’Unione europea, (edited by A. Tizzano), Giuffré, Milan, 2014, p. 1736-1746.
- Scientific advice in the GMO area, in Foundations of EU food Law-Ten years of European Food Safety Authority, (edited by A. Alemanno and S. Gabbi), Ashgate, London, 2013, p. 111-134.
- Diritto al ricorso dei cittadini contro atti o omissioni della pubblica amministrazione relativi alla protezione dell’ambiente alla luce della giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia europea, in L’impatto del diritto dell’Unione europea sul processo amministrativo, (edited by C. Schepisi), Editoriale scientifica, Naples, 2013, p. 123-153.
- La dimensione PESC delle misure dell’Ue di congelamento dei capitali nei confronti di persone fisiche o giuridiche o entità non statali che supportano il terrorismo, in Il Trattato di Lisbona: due anni di applicazione, Atti della giornata di studio in memoria del Professor Francesco Caruso (Roma, 7 ottobre 2011), L. Daniele (ed.), Editoriale scientifica, Naples, 2013, p. 199-218.
- The institutions and the legal toolkit, in The external dimension of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, (edited by M. Cremona, J. Monar, S. Poli), P.I.E. Peter Lang, Bruxelles, 2011, p. 25-76.
- Comment to articles 300 e 303 del Codice dell’ambiente, in Il Codice dell’ambiente, (edited by V. Italia), Giuffré, Milan, 2008, p. 2570-2584; p. 2612-2620.
- Locus standi of individuals under Article 230(4): The Return of Euridice? in Continuity and change in EU law, Essays in Honour of Sir Francis Jacobs, (edited by A. Arnull, P. Eeckhout, T. Tridimas), Oxford University press, 2007, p. 70-89, written with Takis Tridimas.
- The EU risk management of genetically modified organisms and the Commission’s defence strategy in the biotech dispute: are they inconsistent?, in Biotechnology and international law, (edited by F. Francioni, T. Scovazzi), Hart publishing, Cambridge, 2006, p. 387-402.
- Comment to articles 20 e 21 of Regulation (CE) n. 1/2003, in L’applicazione del diritto comunitario della concorrenza- Commentario al regolamento (CE) n. 1/2003 del Consiglio del 16 dicembre 2002, (edited by L. Daniele, A. Adinolfi, B. Nascimbene, S. Amadeo), Giuffré, Milan, 2006, p. 227-259.
- Restrictions on the cultivation of genetically modified organisms: issues of EC law, in The Regulatory challenge of biotechnology, (edited by H. Somsen), Edward Edgar, Chelthenham, 2006, p. 156-173.
- Il quadro comunitario sull’assicurazione contro i danni alle risorse naturali e quelli causati dalla commistione di colture transgeniche e non transgeniche, in Gli strumenti della precauzione: nuovi rischi, assicurazione e responsabilità, (edited by G. Comandè), Giuffré, Milan, 2006, p. 399-412.
- Restrizioni alla libera circolazione dei lavoratori subordinati nel Trattato di adesione del 2003, in (a cura di S. Bartole), Cittadinanza europea, accesso al lavoro e cooperazione giudiziaria, 2005, Edizioni Università di Trieste, p. 27-40.
- ‘Assicurazione e danni da inquinamento nelle Convenzioni internazionali e nella direttiva comunitaria’, in Danno e Responsabilità n. 7/2005, p. 701-712.
- The Member States’ powers to adopt emergency measures in the context of the genetically modified food/feed Regulation, in European Union law for the twenty-first century- rethinking the new legal order, vol. II, 2004, (edited by T. Tridimas and P. Nebbia), Hart publishing, Oxford, p. 121-136.
- Legal issues of waste –related pollution in the European Community, in Scientific evidence in European environmental rule-making: the case of Landifill and end-of-life Directive, (edited by A. Biondi, M. Cecchetti, S. Grassi, M. Lee), Kluwer Law international, 2003, p. 169-187.
- European Papers (insieme a C Beaucillon), special issue su European Strategic Autonomy and European technological sovereignty, (8 contributi), (European Forum, 27 luglio 2023), Vol. 8, 2023, No 2.
- EUDIPLO/IAI Policy papers on diplomacy (EUDIPLO project), with edited with R. Alcaro: Roman Petrov, Applying for EU Membership in Time of War: “Accession through War” of Ukraine, Rome, IAI/EUDIPLO, May 2023 (IAI Papers; 23|09); Marcello Di Filippo, The EU’s Engagement with Latin America: The Case of Colombia, Rome, IAI, May 2022, (IAI Papers ; 22|10), Bernardo Venturi, The EU’s Diplomatic Engagement in the Sahel, Rome, EUDIPLO/IAI, May 2022, 21(IAI Papers ; 22|08), Vladimir Medović, The Potential and Limits of the European Union as a Mediator in the Dialogue Between Serbia and Kosovo, Rome, EUDIPLO/IAI, March 2022, (IAI Papers; 22|03), Silvia Colombo, ‘Principled Pragmatism’ Reset: For a Recalibration of the EU’s Diplomatic Engagement with the MENA Region, Rome, IAI, September 2021, (IAI Papers; 21|39), Riccardo Alcaro, The Transatlantic Dimension of Europe’s Nuclear Diplomacy with Iran: 2003–21, Rome, EUDIPLO/IAI, May 2021 (IAI Papers ; 21|21).
- Protecting Human Rights in the European Union’s external relations, Centre for Law of, European External Relations, CLEER paper 5/2016 (edited), p. 1-174.
- Challenging the EU counter terrorism measures before the Courts, EUI working paper, Academy of European Law n. 2009/10, (edited by F. Francioni, M. Cremona, S. Poli), p. 1-169.
- ‘The deprivation of citizenship of foreign terrorist fighters and their family members and the problem of repatriation of these persons through the lens of EU law,’ EUI working Paper, Department of Law n. 2024/1, written with L. Lonardo, p. 1-32.
- What price for the Community enforcement of WTO law? in EUI working paper n. 2010/01, written with A. Arcuri, p. 1-46.
- Setting out international food standards: Euro-American conflicts within the Codex Alimentarius Commission, in Risk regulation in the European Union: between enlargement and internalization, (edited by G. Majone), Robert Schuman Centre of Advanced Studies, European University Institute, (2003), p. 125-148.
- The emerging EU regulatory framework on genetically modified organisms: dilemmas and challenges, in Risk regulation in the European Union: between enlargement and internalization, (edited by G. Majone), Robert Schuman Centre of Advanced Studies, European University Institute, (2003), p. 79-124.