- Visiting professor LUISS (dip Political Science), 2024-2025.
- Visiting professor (EUI, law department), January-December 2022.
- Professor of EU law, University of Pisa (Italy), Department of Political Science (as of 2018).
- 2011-2016: Associate Professor of European law, University of Pisa (Italy), Department of Political Science.
- 2006-2011: lecturer of European law, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata,’ (Italy), Faculty of Law.
- 2003-2006: three-year contract as research and teaching fellow in EU law and EU environmental law, University of Trieste (Italy), Faculty of Law.
- 2001-2002: lecturer of European Law, University of Southampton (UK), Faculty of Law.
- 1999-2001: teaching assistant, Law Department, College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium).
- (July-September) 2018: short term research fellowship offered by the German DAAD at the Hertie School of Governance, Berlin. Topic of the research: ‘The evolution of conditionality principle in the EU external relations’.
- 2013-2016: Jean Monnet Chair, under the Lifelong Learning Programme, University of Pisa. Title of the project: ‘Good governance principles within and outside the EU.’ The project had a special focus on the European Neighbourhood Policy.
- 2012: VLAC fellowship awarded by the Flemish Academy for science and the arts (Bruxelles) to carry out the research project: ‘The EU Governance Of Global Emergencies’ (E-GooGlE).
- 2010: Fulbright-Schuman fellowship at the Dickinson law school, Pennsylvania State University (PA, USA). Title of the project: ‘The External aspects of the area of freedom, security and justice with special attention to the EU-USA relations.’
- 2008-2009: Marie Curie fellowship at the European University Institute, Fiesole. Title of the research project: ‘The achievement of an area of freedom, security and justice through the EU external relations.’
- 2002-2003: Jean Monnet fellowship at the Robert Schuman centre of the European University Institute, Fiesole. Title of the research project: ‘The regulation of genetically modified organisms in the EU and WTO-related problems.’
- 1997: Leonardo da Vinci fellowship awarded to finance the internship at the Foundation of International and European Community Environmental Law and Development (FIELD), London.
- Staff member of the Jean Monnet module: “NGEU and safeguarding the EU’s financial interests: the challenging roles for the European and Italian Court of Auditors at the dawn of the new paradigms in auditing and protecting the European budget”-(NexGenPFI), Department of Political Science, University of Pisa, 2022-2025.
- 2021: Fondi Cassini senior for the organization of a conference with the University of Lille, Ambasciata di Francia.
- 2020-2024: “The European Union in international diplomatic relations” (EUDIPLO), Jean Monnet Network (partners: Università di Pisa, di Ginevra, di Groningen e di Lovanio).
- 2020-2024: “EU counterterrorism” (EUCTER) Jean Monnet network, University of Southwales (UK) with 12 university partners.
- Staff member of the Jean Monnet module: Protecting the EU’s financial interests: the role of the European Court of Auditors and the cooperation with the Italian Corte dei Conti (2017-2020), Department of Political Science, University of Pisa.
- Participation to the research project (scientific coordinator Prof. Marie-Eve Arbour, Université de Laval) ‘Product Safety, Consumers’ Health and Liability Law’, financed by the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSSHRC)-2016-2019. Other participants: Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Parigi, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, University of Manchester, Liverpool, Durham, Toronto, South Carolina (USA), City University of Hong Kong (HK).
- June 2012: member of the academic staff in the research project ‘The EU Governance Of Global Emergencies’ (E-GooGlE)-528882-LLP12-BE-AJM-IC,’ awarded to the University of Ghent and Professor I. Govaere under the LLP-Jean Monnet Programme-Key activity 1, (research and information activities).
- (2022-2024): member of the research project of the University of Pisa (PRA 2022-2024): “Le sfide della statualità contemporanea: governo, cittadinanza e conflitti tra poteri”.
- (2018-2019): member of the research project with the law department of the University of Pisa: ‘Sources of law in a transnational context.’
- (2015-2017): member of the research project with the law department of the University of Pisa: ‘The abuse of right in EU law’.
- (2008-2012): member of the research project (Prin) entitled: ‘The impact of EU law on the administrative procedural law’ funded by the Italian Ministry of University of Research.
- (2002-2004): participation to the research project (Prin) entitled: ‘The modernization of competition law’, funded by the Italian Ministry of University of Research.
- (2003-2006): three-year contract as ‘Professore a contratto’ in EU law and EU environmental law at the University of Trieste, Italy. The contract was financed through special funds (commonly referred to as ‘brains drain funds’), awarded by the Italian Ministry of University (MIUR) to academics working for foreign Universities. The contract included research and teaching commitments. The title of the research project was: ‘The EU legislation on genetically modified organisms and its relationship with WTO law’.
- 11/2023: member of the board dell’University of Geneva: tesi di dottorato “Towards a Coherent Strategy for the European Union and its Member States in the Middle East Peace Process: Jerusalem as One Capital for Two States?
- 05/2021: member of the jury PhD programme, University of Salamanca (Spain): thesis on Brexit.
- 02/2021: external reviewer for the PhD programme of the University of Milan.
- (as of 2016): Member of the board of the PdH Programme in Legal Sciences, University of Pisa; as of 2018 member of the governing council of the PdH Programme.
- Current PhD student (cotutele): Francesca Finelli; thesis on restrictive measures.
- Anna Pau: 2020-2023);
- (Dec. 2018): external reviewer for the PhD Programme in Legal Sciences, University of Florence (XXXI cycle).
- (Dec. 2017): member of the PhD jury of the PhD Programme in Legal Sciences, University of Pisa.
- (April 2017): member of the PhD jury of the PhD programme “civil, company and international law” (law), University of Genova.
- (2016): member of the board of the PhD programme (political science/law), University of Pisa.
- (2013): member of the PhD jury for a thesis on EU external relations law, European University Institute, Fiesole.
- (2010) member of the PhD jury of the PhD school in “Law and Economy” (XXI cycle) University of Siena.
- (2004-2006): tutor in the framework of the PhD course in EU law, University of Trieste.
- 25-26/2024: (co-organizer) Convegno AISDUE 2024: “L’unione europea sulla scena internazionale: sfide e trasformazioni sul piano interno ed esterno”, University of Pisa and AISDUE.
- 16/03/2023: (co-organizer with S. Marinai, R Della Pia, F Finelli) International Workshop on “EU agencies and EU external relations,” funded by University of Pisa.
- 29/07/2022: “Ensuring strategic autonomy through the law”, funded by ambasciata di Francia, Università di Lille and University of Pisa.
- 20-25/6/2022: Director summer school: “EU diplomacy: challenges and opportunities” (6 giorni, 25 partecipanti) nell’ambito del progetto EUDIPLO, finanziato dall’UE.
- 1/10/2021: convenor of Young professionals Forum on EU diplomacy, Progetto Jean Monnet network EUDIPLO.
- 20/11/2020: convenor of the conference: “The EU in International Diplomatic Relations: Challenges and Opportunities,” Progetto Jean Monnet network EUDIPLO.
- May 2019 (co-organizer with S. Marinai): The EU and the rule of law: legal and political instruments, University of Pisa.
- 11-15 June 2018: Director of the summer school: The European Neighbourhood Policy: challenges and opportunities of cooperation, University of Pisa.
- October 2017: The European Union after the election of Macron, University of Pisa.
- May 2017: Changing the European Union: reflections on possible avenues, University of Pisa.
- October 2015: Jean Monnet Conference, Human Rights in EU Foreign Affairs, University of Pisa.
- October 2014: Jean Monnet workshop, The EU and its values in its neighbourhood —contestation and consistency, University of Pisa.
- 2013-2016: 3 cycles of lectures series in the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair (topics: the European neighbourhood policy; the right to good administration), Department of Political Science, University of Pisa.
- October 2012: co-organiser with I. Govaere (and S. Gstoehl) of the two-days Conference EU governance of global emergencies, at Flemish Academy for science and the arts, Bruxelles, (Belgium), funded by the Jean Monnet programme (research information activity), Key activity 1.
- May 2009: co-organizer (with M. Cremona) of the conference: The external dimension of the Area of Freedom, security and Justice: challenges and opportunities, 29-30 May 2009, European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy.
- December 2008: co-organizer (with M. Cremona and F. Francioni) of the international workshop Challenging the EU counter terrorism measures before the Courts at the European University Institute.
- 2007, 2008: participation to scientific organization of the Rome Summer School of European Law (Rossel), a post graduate course of European law in English, given by major experts of European law, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ (Italy).
- 12/12/2023: presentation on “La posizione degli Stati membri dell’UE sulla crisi in Medio oriente all’interno dell’ONU: alla ricerca di coerenza” nel seminario di studi: ‘Oltre il Conflitto: Visioni Politiche e Reazioni Internazionali nella Crisi Israelo-Palestinese,’ Università di Pisa.
- 03/10/2023: presentation on “Gli accordi informali tra Unione Europea e paesi terzi mediterranei: il caso del Memorandum of Understanding tra Team Europa e Tunisia” in un seminario dedicato all’anniversario della strage di Lampedusa (03/10/2013), Università di Pisa.
- 06/10/2023: presentation on “Le misure restrittive nel conflitto in Ucraina e il loro impulso all’armonizzazione delle norme in materia penale” al Convegno “Il futuro dell’Unione europea: competenze e poteri per affrontare le sfide moderne,” Università di Milano Bicocca.
- 26/09/2023: presentation on The EU Restrictive measures in reaction to Russia’s aggression to Ukraine’ at the international workshop ‘External relations in time of crisis’, Università di Augusta, Germany.
- 30/06/2023: relazione su “The Europeanisation of ‘public order’: the case of restrictive measures and of foreign direct investments,” Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.
- 27/06/2023: relazione nell’ambito di un Workshop internazionale sulle misure restrittive, University of Valencia.
- 9/05/2023: presentazione di un libro dedicato alla Politica di Sicurezza e di Difesa Comune, Università di Torino.
- 05/05/2023: presentazione di un libro dedicato alla Brexit, Università Luiss, Roma.
- 19-20-04/2023: Presidente di sessione al Workshop on EU diplomacy (EUDIPLO project), Università di Groningen, Olanda.
- 05/04/2023: relazione “Restricting the Right to Freedom of expression through Restrictive Measures: the ruling of the General Court in T-125/22 RT France v Council” University College Cork (online).
- 29/11/22: presentation on “The EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime and Its Compatibility with International Law,” al workshop “How strong is the European Union commitments to international law,” Dip. di giurisprudenza, Università Milano Cattolica.
- 23-24/11/22: presentation on “Context specific and structural changes in the EU restrictive measures adopted in the reaction to the Russian aggression to Ukraine”, al workshop “From cradle to grave The policy cycle of EU restrictive measures”, Università di Groningen.
- 29/10/22: presentation on “La giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia sulle misure restrittive e il conflitto in Ucraina” al Convegno “Le sanzioni dell’U.E. nei confronti della Federazione Russa,” Università di Trento.
- 23/09/2022: presentation on ‘Le Misure restrittive dell’UE adottate in reazione all’aggressione della Russia in Ucraina’ nell’ambito del convegno su: “Reassessing 50 Years of EU External Relations Case Law”, Università di Copenaghen.
- 07/07/2022: Chair al workshop: “Preventing Violent Extremism and the Securitisation of Migration in Europe” Jean Monnet Network on EU Counter-Terrorism Seminar, organizzato dal CIDOB, Barcellona.
- 4/07/2022: presentation on ‘Le Misure restrittive dell’UE’ nell’ambito del convegno “Sanctions In The Light Of Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine: What’s New In Law And Practice?”, University of Luxembourg.
- 28/06/2022: presentation “The challenges and opportunities in strengthening the “European Technological Sovereignty” in the workshop “Ensuring Strategic Autonomy Through Law Workshop,” University of Pisa, Pisa, 27-28/06/2022.
- 15/06/2022: presentation “Judicial challenges of EU restrictive measures by third countries and emanations of states” al convegno “Sanctions By And Against International Organizations” University of Milan.
- 31/05/2022: Chair al convegno, “EU Diplomacy in Multilateral Fora, progetto Jean Monnet network EUDIPLO, Universitài Geneva.
- 19-20/05/22: presentation “The Foreign Investment Screening Regulation as a means to protect critical infrastructures and critical technologies on grounds of security or public order: a step forward in enhancing the European technological sovereignty?” to the conference “EU External Relations and the Power of Law-Symposium in Honour of Professor Marise Cremona”, University of Cambridge.
- 11/3/2022: presentation ‘L’UE e il conflitto in Ucraina: forum di discussione’, Seminario organizzato dal Gruppo di interesse (Proiezione internazionale dell’UE) dell’AISDUE.
- 4/11/2021: presentation: “La sovranità tecnologica europea e la questione della base giuridica” al Convegno AISDUE “L’Unione europea dopo la pandemia”, Università di Bologna.
- 24-25/11/2021: presentation “Il rispetto dei valori comuni nell’azione esterna e nel procedimento di adozione delle misure restrittive,” Convegno SIDI “Beni e valori comuni nella dimensione internazionale e sovranazionale”, Università del Salento, Lecce.
- 2/7/2021: presentation “Who is entitled to protect the energy security of the Union? The challenges posed the construction of North Stream II for the transatlantic cooperation and for the Union energy policy” nell’ambito del workshop: “The Transatlantic Space Between Shifting Administrations”, organizzato dalla City, University of London.
- 19/11/2021: “The Law and Practice of EU Diplomacy in Regional and Global Organisations, EUDIPLO Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshop” (ruolo: Chair and discussant), organised by the University of Geneva.
- 12/03/2021: presentation ‘Ruolo dell’Unione europea nel contesto della crisi tra Turchia Grecia e Cipro’ al Convegno organizzato dall’Accademia Navale di Livorno, “Italia Paese Marittimo: sfide e opportunità”.
- 15-16/12/2020: presentation “Privacy international (CJEU, C-623/17 Judgment of 6 October 2020) and its ramifications” per il kick-off meeting dello Jean Monnet network EUCTER.
- 16/12/2019: presentation to Workshop: “Which Brexit after the UK election”, organised by the European Federalist Movement, The Stals of the Scuola Superiore di Studi e Perfezionamento S. Anna, Pisa, Pisa.
• 17-19/10/2019: presentation of the paper “The EU cooperation with developing countries in tackling migration challenges: the strengths and the limits of the EU-Jordan Global Compact” at the Horizon 2020 conference “Unpacking the challenges and possibilities of migration governance”, University of Cambridge. - 19-20/09/2019: discussant at the Doctoral workshop: “Bilateralism v. multilateralism”, Law Faculty, University of Geneva.
- 6-7/06/2919: speech on the case-law on restrictive measures concerning States of the Eastern partnership at the Conference “Ten years of Eastern partnership- Democracy promotion, economic governance and geopolitics: where next for the EU’s regional integration project with its eastern neighbours?”, Maastricht University, Bruxelles.
- 13/05/2019: speech on restrictive measures and the rule of law in the EU at the workshop: “The EU and the breaches of the rule of law: a comparison between political and judicial instruments” organised at the University of Pisa.
- 19/03/2019: speech on ‘The history and developments of the “Spitzenkandidat” procedure’ at the workshop: ‘Towards the European parliament’s election’, University of Pisa.
- 6-8/03/2019: presentation of a paper on ‘The UK sanction policy after Brexit’ at the Conference: ‘EU External Relations after Brexit Implications under EU and International Law’, University of Salamanca, Spain.
- 22/10/2018: presentation on the topic ‘Does the EU actually promote its values in the conduct of its external action?’ at the workshop: ‘Constitutional issues of EU external relations,’ University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
- 13-09-2018: presentation on ‘The European Court of Justice’s interpretation of international law with a European sensibility and its contestation’ at the ESIL Interest group The EU as a global actor, ESIL Conference, ‘International law and Universality’, Manchester, UK.
- 17/05-2018: Discussant and Chair at the conference: ‘The EU as an international actor’, Bruxelles.
- 01/12/2017: ‘The Promotion of Good Governance in the EU External Relations’, ESIL Conference, ‘Health, environment, food and risk regulation,’ University of Parma, Italy.
- 15/09/2017: ‘The right to an effective remedy after the Rosneft case’, presented at the workshop ‘Effettività e diritto dell’Unione europea,’ University of Genova, Italy.
- 3/07/2017: presentation on the topic ‘The EU immigration policy in the context of the EU neighbourhood policy’ at the EUSAP Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
- 28/06/2017: lecture on the European neighbourhood policy at the ‘XIII Migration Summer School-Thinking beyond the crisis’, organised by the migration Policy Centre, European University Institute, Fiesole.
- 12-13/06/2017: rapporteur at Jean Monnet seminar on EU global strategy: from vision to action, organised by the European Commission, Bruxelles.
- 14/3/2017: presentation on the topic ‘EU Restrictive measures against Russia’ in the framework of the workshop: ‘The EU-Russia relations in the current international context.’
- 03/03/2017: presentation on the topic ‘EU Anti-terrorism Policy in its external AFSJ Dimension’, University of Amsterdam.
- 16-17/02/2017: ‘The abuse of free movement rights’ at the Conference ‘The abuse of law in EU law,’ University of Pisa.
- 28/10/2016: speech on the Intergovernamental cooperation and terrorist attacks in Europe in the framework of the Winter School, ‘Is there still an international order?’, University of Pisa.
- 19/12/2016: participation as discussant to the workshop ‘Implementing the EU Global Strategy: challenges ahead’, Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e perfezionamento, S. Anna, Pisa.
- 16/12/2016: presentation of the reform on article 190 bis of the new rules of procedure of the EU Court of Justice at the conference: ‘The reform of the rules of procedure of the EUCJ,’ organised by the EU Centre of excellence of the University of Milan.
- 6/5/2016: speech on the topic of the EU restrictive measures at the workshop ‘On the Subjects and Objects of EU law’, organised by the Institute for the Study of European Law (ISEL) at City Law School, City University London co-organised with Kent Centre for European and Comparative Law (KCECL).
- 17/5/May 2016: speech on the EU relations with Southern neighbours in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy, in the workshop ‘Critical perspectives on the law, economics and politics of the EU’s agreements with African States’, Boston law School, United States.
- 18/2/2016: speech on ‘Continuity and Changes in reform of the European Neighbourhood Policy,’ Workshop, ‘Beyond Europe: Threats, Challenges, Opportunities,’ Scuola Superiore di Studi e Perfezionamento S. Anna, Pisa.
- 1-2/10/2015: speech on ‘Mapping out good governance in EU external relations law’ Jean Monnet Conference, Human Rights in EU Foreign Affairs, University of Pisa.
- 06/12/2015: interdisciplinary workshop: “A referendum to exit the Economic and Monetary Union?: legal and economic issues”.
- 23/11/2015: lecture on ‘The evolution of the EU restrictive measures’, University of Bologna, School of Political Sciences, second cycle degree programme in International Relations.
- 22-23/06/2015: speech on ‘Different countries, different approaches?’ Jean Monnet Seminar ‘A changing Neighbourhood,’ organized by the EEAS/European Commission, Tblisi (Georgia).
- 20/06/2015: chair of a session of the 10th International Workshop for Young Scholars (WISH), ‘New Directions in EU and Global Risk Regulation,’ organized by the HEC, (Paris).
- 17/04/2015: lecture for the PhD students in law of the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ on the topic ‘The right to good administration under Art. 41 of the EU Charter of fundamental rights.’
- 3/10/2014: speech on ‘EU values and objectives of the European Neighbourhood Policy,’ Jean Monnet workshop, The EU and its values in its neighbourhood —contestation and consistency, University of Pisa.
- 19-23/05/2014: Erasmus teaching exchange with the University of Valencia (Spain): lectures given for the Master in EU and international law on the topics: ‘The EU values and the Hungarian case’ and ‘The principle of good governance in the framework of the Generalised System of Preferences+.’
- 02/04/2014: speech on ‘Human Rights Protection and the EU Development Cooperation’ at the workshop: The external relations of the European union after the Lisbon treaty, organised by the Luiss University (Law Department), Rome.
- 06/2013: speech on the Pringle case, PhD programme, law department, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
- 05/2013: speech on the legal basis of sovereign debt crises measures, at the workshop Eurozone crisis: role of the courts and other developments, University of Genova, Law Faculty (Italy).
- 10/2012: conclusions of the Conference organised by I. Govaere and S. Poli, EU governance of global emergencies, at the Flemish Academy for science and the arts, Bruxelles (Belgium).
- 05/2012: speech on the cultivation of genetically modified organisms in the EU, in the workshop Mapping the global regulatory space for risk governance, organised by F. Cafaggi, A. Arcuri, M. Simoncini, at the European University Institute.
- 10/2011: speech on the legal basis of EU counter terrorism measures (art. 215(2) and art. 75 TFEU), in the framework of the Conference A due anni dall’entrata del Trattato di Lisbona, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata.’
- 03/2010: speech on the EU-USA external relations in the area of terrorism after the Swift agreement, Dickinson School of law, Pennsylvania State University (PA).
- 09/2010: speech on the European arrest warrant, in the conference European union law before the Italian Constitutional court, University of Trieste (Italy).
- 05/2010: I was invited by the Academy of European Law (Trier, Germany) to give a lecture on the external relations in the area of criminal and police cooperation for a seminar organised by the Swedish Minister of Justice in Stockholm (Sweden).
- 10/09: I was invited by the European Society of International Law (ESIL) to give a speech entitled: ‘The implementation of the WTO biotech dispute by the European Community: recent developments.’ Title of the Conference Changing futures? Science and International law, Helsinki, (Finland).
- 12/2008: speech on the Kadi judgment in the workshop ‘Challenging the EU counter-terrorism measures before the courts,’ European University institute.
- 03/2009: speech on the dominance of security concerns in EU policies: consequences and judicial antidotes, in the workshop The EU in word, European University Institute.
- 05/2009: speech on the Institutions and the instruments in the conference The external dimension of the area of freedom, security and justice, European University institute.
- 05/2007: speech on EU law in the area of genetically modified organisms in the conference: Science and the law, University of Lecce (Italy).
- 02/2005: speech on the free movement of workers in the 2003 Accession Treaty in the conference European citizenship, access to work, and judicial cooperation, University of Trieste (Italy).
- 10/2004: speech on the compatibility of EU legislation on genetically modified organisms with WTO law, in the conference ‘The law of Biotechnology,’ University of Siena and Milan (Italy).
- 09/2003: speech on the Codex Alimentarius Commission in the conference ‘Food security in Europe and in the world’, organized by the Centre d’Études et de Recherches Internationales et Communautaires, Aix-En-Provence (France).
- 06/2003: speech on the safeguard measures in the EU legislation on genetically modified organisms for the Hart Conference, ‘The EU law for the 21st century: rethinking the new legal order’, London (UK).
- Member of editorial board: German law Journal (as of 2018).
- Member of the of editorial board of Eurojus.
- Member of editorial board: Europe and the World: a law review (as 2017).
- Member of the editorial board: European Journal of Risk Regulation (as of 2010).
- Member of the scientific Council: European papers (as of 2016-2019).
- Occasional reviewer for: Diritto, immigrazione e cittadinanza, European research centre for anti-corruption and state-building (ERCAS) papers (Hertie School of Governance, Berlin), Erasmus law Review, Journal of Environmental law.
- Member of the Centre for the Law of the External relations’ network (Asser Institute) as 2018.
- Member of European Society of International Law.
- Member of the Italian Society of International law.
- Member of the Italian Association of scholars of European Law.
- Coordinator of the forum Proiezione internazionale dell’UE, (AISDUE) with M.E. Bartoloni.
- Evaluator for the European Commission (Marie Curie) in 2020.
- As of 2016: EU external relations law (6 CFU), in the second cycle degree programme ‘International Studies;
- As of 2019: The EU and its international relations (3CFU) in the double degree in International studies with the Moscow State Institute of International relations.
- 2018-2019 course: ‘The EU and its international relations’ (6 CFU), held in English with Prof. Nariné Ghazaryan for master students in International Studies, visiting professor at the department of Political Science, University of Pisa.
- 2015-2018: course on European law (6 CFU) in the first cycle degree programme; course ‘The law of EU external relations’ (6 CFU) in the second cycle degree programme ‘International Studies’; course ‘Current issues of EU law: the Brexit’ (3 CFU), Department of Political Science, University of Pisa.
- 2013-2015: course on international law (9 CFU), course on European law (6 CFU) in the first cycle degree programme as of 2012; course on EU and good governance (LM 52, 6 CFU, advanced course) in second cycle degree programme ‘International Studies’ of the Department of Political Science, University of Pisa (2014-2015).
- 2012-2013: course on international law (9 CFU) and course on European law (6 CFU), in the first cycle degree programme, Department of Political Science, University of Pisa. Module of international humanitarian law (2 CFU), Corso di laurea scienze marittime e navali, Accademia navale di Livorno.
- 2011-2012: course in international law (9 CFU), Department of Political Science, University of Pisa; module of international law, (6 CFU), Corso di laurea scienze marittime e navali, Accademia navale di Livorno.
- 2003-2007: courses and tutorials on the law of the internal market (6 CFU) and European environmental law (6 CFU), University of Trieste.
- 2001-2002: course on European law (and tutorials), University of Southampton, UK.
- 1999-2001: tutorials on Institutional law, at the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium.
- 15/12/2022: lecture on “The EU restrictive measures in reaction to Russia’s aggression to Ukraine: a form of coercive diplomacy?” for the course of professor Roman Petrov, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine.
- 22/06/2023: “La protezione degli interessi finanziari dell’UE, la lotta alle frodi e il rispetto dello stato di diritto” in the Conference: “Frodi e irregolarità nell’uso dei fondi europei,” Jean Monnet module, University of Pisa.
- 2018-2019: lecture on Corte dei conti europei e le relazioni esterne dell’Unione nell’ambito del modulo Jean Monnet Protecting the EU’s financial interests: the role of the European Court of Auditors and the cooperation with the Italian Corte dei Conti (2017-2020), University of Pisa.
- 10/2019: Ka 107 Programme, selected by the University of Pisa to teach at the University of York (Canada): 8 hours of classes in EU law and EU immigration law.
- 05/2014: teaching exchange staff (Erasmus Programme) with the University of Valencia. Lectures in the Master on EU/international law on the principle of Good governance in the EU external relations and on the Rule of law in Hungary and the EU reactions.
- 1996-2000: PhD course in Political Science at the Scuola Superiore di studi Universitari e Perfezionamento S. Anna, Pisa. PhD diploma awarded in 2000.
- 1998-1999: post graduate course in European Legal Studies at the Law Department of the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium).
- 1998: Scholarship from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to attend the College of Europe.
- 1996-2000: scholarship awarded for the duration of the PhD studies by the Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari and Perfezionamento S. Anna, Pisa.
- 1991-1995: scholarship awarded for the duration of the University studies by the Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari and Perfezionamento S. Anna, Pisa. Selected as a student of this School after a national competition.
- 2017-2018: Erasmus academic coordinator of the department of Political Science (University of Pisa).
- July 2017: national academic supervisor of the international legal research group on migration – (country: Italy), European Law Student Association (ELSA).
- 2018: Expert of the European Commission
- 1991-1995: degree in Political Science at the University of Pisa, awarded with the highest honours (110/110 cum laude).
- 1991-1995: undergraduate student in Political Science of the University ‘Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari and Perfezionamento S. Anna’ (Pisa, Italy).