
Nicola Salvati
Associate Professor in Statistics
Department of Economics and Management, Via C. RIDOLFI, 10 56124 PISA
University of Pisa
Phone Numbers
Mobile: +39 335 1520560
Office: +39 (0)50 2216 492
fax: +39 (0)50 2216 375
Work: nicola.salvati@unipi.it

My appointment at the University of Pisa is in Methodological Statistics and I am an inter-disciplinary scholar. My work is connected/contributes to and bridges across methodological statistics, poverty analysis, economics and social statistics. My publication records as well as participation in events and conferences demonstrate active involvement in all these statistical communities, also reflecting the evolution of my research agenda over time. Most of my earlier achievements were in the area of statistical methodology for poverty mapping, while more recently have become interested in developing new statistical methods based on latent variable models for estimating parameters in case of linkage data.

Scopus – Documents: 59, Total Citations: 616, h index: 15;

WOS – Documents: 60, Total Citations: 538, h index: 14;

Research Gate:  – RG Score: 30.63, h index 19, Citations: 983;

Google Scholar – Citations: 1746, Indice H: 22, i10-index: 47.

Università di Pisa
Lungarno Pacinotti 43, 56126 Pisa
P.I. 00286820501
C.F. 80003670504

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