Curriculum vitae in italiano pdf
CV in English pdf
Short Academic CV
- 11/2023 Full Professor in Organic Chemistry at Department of Chemistry, University of Pisa
- 2019-2023 Participant to the PRIN project n. 20172M3K5N “Towards a CHeap and portable InstRument for bioAnaLysis based on enAntiospecific luminescence and aBsorption essays (CHIRALAB)”
- From 01/2019 Associate Editor of the journal Chirality (Wiley)
- 11/2018-12/2022 Coordinator of the PhD programme in Chemistry and Materials Sciences (DSCM), University of Pisa
- 04/2017 Qualified as Full Professor in Organic Chemistry
- 12/2014 Associate Professor in Organic Chemistry at Department of Chemistry, University of Pisa
- 2013-2016 Partner of the project InnoMol – Enhancement of the Innovation Potential through new Molecular Solutions in Research and Development, within 7° EU Framework Programme REGPOT
- 2007-2009 Principal investigator of the local unit for PRIN project n. 2007PBW44 “Organic Materials for Photovoltaic and Electroluminescent Devices”
- 06/2006 “Ricercatore” (Lecturer) in Organic Chemistry at Department of Chemistry, University of Pisa
- 2002-2006 Post-Doctoral research activity at Department of Chemistry, Pisa, supported by two research grants provided by University of Pisa
- 2001-2002 Post-Doctoral stage under the supervision of Prof Koji Nakanishi and Nina Berova, at Columbia University, New York
- 02/2001 PhD in Chemistry, University of Pisa
- 10/1997 “Laurea” (BSc) in Chemistry, University of Pisa