
Di seguito le pubblicazioni degli ultimi 5 anni.


Emanuele Crisostomi, Robert Shorten, Sonja Stüdli, Fabian Wirth, “Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle Networks: Optimization and Control“, CRC Press, Series: Automation and Control Engineering, 2017, Link.

Analytics for the Sharing Economy: Mathematics, Engineering and Business Perspectives“, Editors: Emanuele Crisostomi, Bissan Ghaddar, Florian Häusler, Joe Naoum-Sawaya, Giovanni Russo, and Robert Shorten, Springer Nature, 2020, Link.

Journal Publications:

F. Hajimohammadali, E. Crisostomi, M. Tucci, and N. Fontana, “Evaluating Deep Learning Networks Versus Hybrid Network for Smart Monitoring of Hydropower Plants”, Energies, vol. 17, no. 22, 2024.

P. Fan, J. Yang, S. Ke, Y. Wen, L. Ding, L. Xuecheng, U. Tahmeed, and E. Crisostomi, “A multi-layer intelligent control strategy for multi-regional power system with electric vehicles: a deep reinforcement learning approach”, Elsevier Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 103, no. 114381, 2024.

L. Ding, S. Ke, J. Yang, X. Shi, P. Fan, and E. Crisostomi, “A heuristic-fuzzy improved virtual synchronous generator control strategy for charging station frequency regulation“, Elsevier Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 99, no. 113411, 2024.

F. Wu, J. Yang, N. Li, E. Crisostomi, H. Rafiq, G. Izat Rashed, “Uncertain scheduling potential of charging stations under multi-attribute uncertain charging decisions of electric vehicles“, Elsevier Applied Energy, vol. 374, no. 124036, 2024.

C. Scarpelli, M. Ceraolo, E. Crisostomi, V. Apicella, and G. Pellegrini, “Charging Electric Vehicles on Highways: Challenges and Opportunities”, IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 55814-55823, 2024.

A. Franco, E. Crisostomi, S. Dalmiani, and R. Poletti, “Synergy in Action: Integrating Environmental Monitoring, Energy Efficiency, and IoT for Safer Shared Buildings”, Buildings, vol. 14, pp. 1-21, 2024.

E. Dudkina, E. Crisostomi, and A. Franco, “Prediction of COin Public Buildings“, Energies, vol. 16, no. 22, 2023.

A. Franco, E. Crisostomi, and M. Hammoud, “Advanced Monitoring Techniques for Optimal Control of Building Management Systems for Reducing Energy Use in Public Buildings“, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 2025-2035, 2023.

E. Dudkina, M. Bin, J. Breen, E. Crisostomi, P. Ferraro, S. Kirkland, J. Marecek, R. Murray-Smith, T. Parisini, L. Stone, S. Yilmaz, and R. Shorten, “A comparison of centrality measures and their role in controlling the spread in epidemic networks“, International Journal of Control, 2023.

S. Kim, J. Breen, E. Dudkina, F. Poloni, and E. Crisostomi, “On the effectiveness of random walks for modeling epidemics on networks“, Plos One, 2023.

J. Breen, E. Crisostomi, and S. Kim, “Kemeny’s constant for a graph with bridges“, Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 322, pp. 20-35, 2022.

E. Dudkina, D. Fioriti, E. Crisostomi, and D. Poli, “On the impact of different electricity markets on the operation of a network of microgrids in remote areas“, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 212, no. 108243, pp. 1-10, 2022.

X. Fan, E. Dudkina, L.V. Gambuzza, M. Frasca, and E. Crisostomi, “A network-based structure-preserving dynamical model for the study of cascading failures in power grids“, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 209, no. 107987, pp. 1-8, 2022.

S. Shaheen, J. Naoum-Sawaya, and E. Crisostomi, “Editorial: Smart Mobility“, Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 2022.

G. Singer, R. Overko, S. Yilmaz, E. Crisostomi and R. Shorten, “Markovian city-scale modelling and mitigation of micro-particles from tires“, Plos One, pp. 1-22, December 2021.

M. Bin, E. Crisostomi, P. Ferraro, R. Murray-Smith, T. Parisini, R. Shorten, and S. Stein, “Hysteresis-based supervisory control with application to non-pharmaceutical containment of COVID-19“, Annual Reviews in Control, 2021.

M. Moschella, P. Ferraro, E. Crisostomi and R. Shorten, “Decentralized Assignment of Electric Vehicles at Charging Stations Based on Personalized Cost Functions and Distributed Ledger Technologies“, IEEE Transactions on Internet of Things, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 11112-11122, 2021.

G. Anastasi, C. Bartoli, P. Conti, E. Crisostomi, A. Franco, S. Saponara, D. Testi, D. Thomopulos, and C. Vallati, “Optimized Energy and Air Quality Management of Shared Smart Buildings in the COVID-19 Scenario“, Energies, vol. 18, no. 8, 2021.

A. Betti, M. Tucci, E. Crisostomi, A. Piazzi, S. Barmada, D. Thomopulos, “Fault prediction and early-detection in large PV power plants based on self-organizing maps“, Sensors, 2021.

A. Betti, E. Crisostomi, G. Paolinelli, A. Piazzi, F. Ruffini, M. Tucci, “Condition monitoring and predictive maintenance methodologies for hydropower plants equipment“, Elsevier Renewable Energy, vol. 171, pp. 246-253, 2021.

M. Bin, P.Y.K. Cheung, E. Crisostomi, P. Ferraro, H. Lhachemi, R. Murray-Smith, C. Myant, T. Parisini, R. Shorten, S. Stein, L. Stone, “Post-lockdown abatement of COVID-19 by fast periodic switching“, PLOS Computational Biology, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1-34, 2021.

A. Sleptsov, E. Crisostomi and A. Bischi, “Control schemes for district heating substations considering user-defined building’s indoor temperature“, Building and Environment, vol. 191, pp. 1-13, 2021.

X. Fan, E. Crisostomi, D. Thomopulos, B. Zhang, R. Shorten and S. Yang, “An Optimized Decentralized Power Sharing Strategy for Wind Farm De-Loading“, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 136-146, 2021.

M. Moschella, M.A.A. Murad, E. Crisostomi and F. Milano, “Decentralized charging of plug-in electric vehicles and impact on transmission system dynamics“, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1772-1781, 2020.

X. Fan, E. Crisostomi, D. Thomopulos, B. Zhang and S. Yang, “A controlled islanding algorithm for AC/DC hybrid power systems utilizing DC modulation“, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 14, no. 26, pp. 6440-6449, 2020.

S. Yilmaz, E. Dudkina, M. Bin, E. Crisostomi, P. Ferraro, R. Murray-Smith, T. Parisini, L. Stone and R. Shorten, “Kemeny-based testing for COVID-19″, Plos One, pp. 1-19, November 2020.

M. Razzanelli, E. Crisostomi, L. Pallottino, G. Pannocchia, “Distributed model predictive control for energy management in a network of microgrids using the dual decomposition method“,  Optimal Control Applications & Methods, vol. 41, pp. 25-41, 2020.

Book chapters:

E. Dudkina, L. Papini, E. Crisostomi, and R. Shorten, “On the interactions between plug-in electric vehicles and the power grid“, in “F. Milano, Advances in power system modelling, control and stability analysis, 2nd edition”, 2022.

E. Dudkina, E. Crisostomi, P. Ferraro, and F. Milano, “Dynamics and control of grid-connected microgrids”, in A. Parisio, J. Schiffer, and C. H. Hans, “System level control and optimisation of microgrids”, IET Book, 2024.

Conference Proceedings:

F. Hajimohammadali, M. Tucci, N. Fontana, and E. Crisostomi, “Monitoring Hydropower Plants with LSTM-Based Time-series Forecasting”, IEEE ISGT Europe, Zagreb, 2024.

E. Dudkina, J. Villar, R. J. Bessa, and E. Crisostomi, “The role of batteries in maximizing green hydrogen production with power flow tracing“, 4th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (SGRE), Doha,  2024.

F. Lo Iudice, E. Dudkina, M. Coraggio, M. Di Bernardo, and E. Crisostomi, “A distributed strategy for parallel power system restoration”, IEEE PowerTech, Belgrade, 2023.

F. Hajimohammadali, N. Fontana, M. Tucci, and E. Crisostomi, “Autoencoder-based fault diagnosis for hydropower plants”, IEEE PowerTech, Belgrade, 2023.

A. Saldarini, M. Longo, D. Zaninelli, V. Consolo, E. Crisostomi, M. Ceraolo, E. Dudkina, and S. M. Miraftabzadeh, “Literature review on electric grid resilience: Electric vehicles as a possible support?”, AEIT Automotive, 2023.

E. Dudkina, E. Crisostomi, and D. Poli, “A review of P2P energy markets and a possible application for remote areas“,  IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2020, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2020.

A. Piazzi, F. Ruffini, M. Tucci, and E. Crisostomi, “One year Operation of an Innovative Condition Monitoring Technique in Four Hydropower Plants“, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2020, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2020.

M. Moschella, M. A. Adib Murad, E. Crisostomi, and F. Milano, “On the Impact of PEV Charging on Transmission System: Static and Dynamic Limits“, In: Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Power & Energy Society (GM PES 2020), pp. 1-5, Montreal, Canada, 2020.

X. Fan, E. Crisostomi, D. Thomopulos, B. Zhang, and R. Shorten, “A Decentralized Power Sharing Strategy for Wind Farm De-Loading“, In: Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Power & Energy Society (GM PES 2020), pp. 1-5, Montreal, Canada, 2020.

L. Bai and E. Crisostomi, “Distribution Loss Allocation in Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in a Network of Microgrids“, In: Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Power & Energy Society (GM PES 2020), pp. 1-5, Montreal, Canada, 2020.

X. Fan, E. Crisostomi, B. Zhang, and D. Thomopulos, “Rotor Speed Fluctuation Analysis for Rapid De-loading of Variable Speed Wind Turbines“, IEEE Melecon, Palermo, Italy, 2020.

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