
Current Projects

  • Emanuele Crisostomi is Unit Coordinator of the funded research project VECTORS (Advanced Network Control of Future Smart Grids) funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under the PRIN2017 Call (2020-2023). The project is coordinated by Mario di Bernardo, from the University of Naples Federico II, and in addition to Pisa, involves teams from Turin, Padova, Catania and Benevento. For more info see here.
  • He is also involved in the funded research project Re-Start Toscana (2021-2023), coordinated by prof. Sergio Saponara, that involves two engineering departments of the University of Pisa (both DESTEC and DII) and also Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio.

Previous Projects

  • He was a collaborator of the funded project “Fast multi-shot epidemic interventions for post lockdown Covid-19 mitigation: Open-loop mitigation strategies” (2020-2021). For more info see here.

Università di Pisa
Lungarno Pacinotti 43, 56126 Pisa
P.I. 00286820501
C.F. 80003670504

Servizio a cura del
SIA - Sistema Informatico di Ateneo

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