
Active projects (P.I.)

–    Geophysical investigations (GPR and ERT) on Alpine detritical covers to estimate permafrost active layer thickness, and to evaluate the hydrological potential of frozen detritical bodies in the periglacial environment of the Western Alps (2016-ongoing) (DST-ARPA Piemonte)

–    Reconstruction of the recent evolution of Clapier and Peiraborc glaciers (Maritime Alps) through the analysis of multi-temporal aerial imagines (2019-ongoing) (DST-Maritime Alps Park)

–    Man-Environment in the region of Dhofar (Oman). Ground Penetrating Radar and Geomorphological investigations in coastal geoarchaeological contexts (2020) (UNIPI Didactic Project)

–    The Termination I. The environmental and paleoclimatic variations that occurred in the 25-11 ka interval (PRA 2020-21, UNIPI)

Active projects (C.I.)

– Modelling and monitoring tropical ice in South Peru: glaciers, rock glaciers and permafrost (MOTICE) (Ministero de Ciencia e Innovacion espaniol-UNED Madrid, UNIPI).

Università di Pisa
Lungarno Pacinotti 43, 56126 Pisa
P.I. 00286820501
C.F. 80003670504

Servizio a cura del
SIA - Sistema Informatico di Ateneo

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