I am Associate Professor in Sociology (SPS/07) at the Department of Political Science of University of Pisa where I currently teach Sociology, Organization of Social Services and Sociology of Third Sector. I got my BA/MA in Political Sciences and PhD in Sociology at University of Pisa.

My research interests are about: Social Participation (Voluntary Action; Sustainable Community Movement Organizations) and Welfare and Social Work (Austerity, Social Work & Policy Practice in Europe; Non-profit/Public Partnerships). About these topics I have published monographs and edited books, articles, and book chapters.

I was invited to give lectures at the National Technical University of Athens (Greece), Complutense University of Madrid  (Spain) and Vidzeme University (Latvia). I chaired Sessions, presented and discussed Papers at ISTR, ISA, ESPANET Europe and Italy, ECPR, IPA, SISP, AIS Conferences and participated to two inter-Universities national research projects (Prin-Miur).

From 2009 to 2014 I was Scientific Director and Senior Researcher of Volunteering and Participation Foundation (Italy).

Full CV: here.

Università di Pisa
Lungarno Pacinotti 43, 56126 Pisa
P.I. 00286820501
C.F. 80003670504

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