International research projects:

  • InGRID-2 – Integrating and servicing European expertise on inclusive growth from data to policy (H2020-INFRAIA-2016-1). Principal Investigator for the University of Pisa (2017- 2021)
  • MAKSWELL – MAKing Sustainable development and WELL-being frameworks work for policy analysis (H2020-SC6-CO-CREATION-2017). Principal Investigator for the University of Pisa (2017- 2020)
  • InGRID – Inclusive Growth Research Infrastructure Diffusion SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME – DG Research and Innovation, Theme 8, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities). Principal Investigator for the University of Pisa (2013- 2017)
  • e-Frame– European FRAmework for MEasuring progress (SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME – DG Research and Innovation, Theme 8, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities). Principal Investigator for the University of Pisa (2012-2014)
  • SAMPLE – Small Area Methods for Poverty and Living Condition Estimates (SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME – THEME FP7-SSH-2007-1 Socio-economic sciences and the Humanities Part 8) ( 2008-2011). Scientific and administrative coordinator of the project (2008-2011)

Università di Pisa
Lungarno Pacinotti 43, 56126 Pisa
P.I. 00286820501
C.F. 80003670504

Servizio a cura del
SIA - Sistema Informatico di Ateneo

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