

  • Bryson, A., Corsini, L., Martelli, I., (2022), Teacher allocation and school performance in Italy. LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 1– 15.
  • Corsini, L., Giannelli, G. C., (2021), Economics education and financial literacy acquisition: Evidence from a field experiment, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 32.
  • Rocchi, B., Randelli, F., Corsini L. and Giampaolo S., (2020). Farmer direct selling: the role of local factors, Regional Studies, 54(8), 1112-1122.
  • Corsini, L. and Martelli, I., (2020). Measuring and detecting situations of need and deprivation using Graded Response Models, Applied Economics Letters, 27 (15), 1289-1294
  • Brunetti, I. and Corsini L. (2019). School-to-work transition and vocational education: a comparison across Europe, International Journal of Manpower, 40(8), 1411-1437.
  • Masserini, L., Romano, G., Corsini, L. (2018). Investigating Attitudes towards Water Savings, Price Increases, and Willingness to Pay among Italian University Students. Water Resources Management, 32 (12), 4123-4138.
  • Spataro, L. and Corsini L. (2017). Endogenous financial literacy, saving and stock market participation, Finanzarchiv, 73 (1), 1 – 28.
  • Brunetti, I. and Corsini, L. (2017). Workplace Training Programs: Instruments for Human Capital Improvements or Screening Devices?, Education + Training,59 (1), 31 – 46.
  • Corsini and Spataro (2015), Optimal Decisions on Pension Plans in the Presence of Information Costs and Financial Literacy, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 17 (3), 383-414.
  • Corsini (2013), How unemployment benefits affect individuals of different wealth classes: some evidence from Italy, International Journal of Manpower, 34 (6), 693 – 711.
  • Corsini, and Spataro (2013). “Saving for retirement under liquidity constraints: a note”, Economics Letters, 118 (2), 258–261
  • Corsini (2013) “Is there really no links between international trade and wage differentials? A cross-country analysis”, Applied Economics Letters, 29 (6), 559-565.
  • Corsini, L. (2012), “Institutions, Technological Change and the Wage Differentials Between Skilled and Unskilled Workers: Theory and Evidence from Europe”, Research in Labor Economics, 36, 1-33.
  • Corsini, L., Pacini, P.M. and Spataro, L. (2012), “An Assessment of the Italian 2007 Complementary Social Security Reform: a Simulation Approach”, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 26 (3), 392-417.
  • Corsini, L. (2012), “Unemployment Insurance Schemes, Liquidity Constraints and Re employment: A Three Country Comparison”, Comparative Economic Studies, 54 (2), 321-340.
  • Corsini, L., Pacini, P.M. and Spataro, L. (2012), “Workers’ Choice on Pension Schemes: A Theoretical Model and an Application to the Italian Second Pillar Reform”, Public Finance Review, 40 (2), 207-239.
  • Corsini, C. and Olivieri, E. (2011): Wage Differentials between Skilled and Unskilled: an Analysis for Italy, Studi Economici, 103 (1).
  • Corsini, L. (2009) “Optimal Degree of Regulation in an Unionised Economy”, Economia Politica – The Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 26 (1), pp. 105-120.
  • Corsini, L. and Guerrazzi, M. (2007) The Transition From Temporary Work to Permanent Employment: Evidence from Tuscany, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 21 (2), pp. 303–332.


  • Corsini, L. and Spataro, L. (2020) Risparmio, alfabetizzazione finanziaria e qualità ambientale. pp.147-164. In Spataro, L., Economia del Risparmio e della Previdenza.
  • Carli, A., Corsini, L., Filistrucchi, L., Giovannetti, G. and Monticelli, E., (2018) “Italia: Aspetti economici”, in Fondazioni Astrid e Circolo Fratelli Rosselli, Nuove (e vecchie) povertà, quale risposta?”, il Mulino, 257-277.
  • Carli, A., Corsini, L., Filistrucchi, L., Giovannetti, G. and Monticelli, E., (2018) “Case studies nazionali: Spagna”, in Fondazioni Astrid e Circolo Fratelli Rosselli, Nuove (e vecchie) povertà, quale risposta?”, il Mulino, 133-152.
  • Carli, A., Corsini, L., Filistrucchi, L., Giovannetti, G. and Monticelli, E., (2018) “Case studies nazionali: Canada”, in Fondazioni Astrid e Circolo Fratelli Rosselli, Nuove (e vecchie) povertà, quale risposta?”, il Mulino 199-220.
  • Corsini, L. (2017) “Regulation and deregulation policies in an economy with imperfect competition and firms entry”, in Fanti, L. (Ed.), Oligopoly, institutions and firms’ performance, Pisa University Press.
  • Corsini, L., Randelli, F., Rocchi, B., Giampolo, S. (2017), “On-farm and regional factors affectivng participation of farmers to alternative food networks”, in Dansero, E., Lucia, M. G., Rossi, U., Toldo, A. (Eds.), (S)radicamenti, Società di studi geografici. Memorie geografiche NS 15, pp. 411-418.
  • Brunetti, I. and Corsini, L. (2015) “Motivazioni dell’intervento pubblico ”, in Balestrino, A., Galli, E., Spataro, L. (Eds.), Scienze delle Finanze, UTET.

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