
List of the most recent publications (the complete list can be retrieved here)



  • Fiaschi, D, and Rodolfo Signorino (2024) The Ricardian System and the Industrial Revolution In Davide Fiaschi, Pier Mario Pacini, and Luca Spataro (ed.) Essays in honor of Carlo Casarosa, Pisa University Press, Pisa.
  • Nieri F., Giuliani E., and Fiaschi D. (2023) Which norms do CSR help to respect? In A. Goerzen (ed.) Research Handbook on International Corporate Social Responsibility, Research Handbooks in Business and Management Series. 108–125. Cheltenham, GLOS: Edward Elgar.
  • Davide Fiaschi – Cristina Tealdi (2018), Some Stylized Facts on Italian Interregional Migration. In M. Bellandi, B. Biagi, A. Faggian, E. Marrocu, S. Usai (eds.), Regional development trajectories beyond the crisis, Franco Angeli, pp. 153-166.
  • Davide Fiaschi – Tamara Fioroni (2017). Adult Mortality and Modern Growth. In Matteo Cervellati and Uwe Sunde (eds), Demographic Change and Long-Run Development. MIT Press.
  • Davide Fiaschi – Rodolfo Signorino (2015), Colonies In H. Kurz and N. Salvadori (eds), The Elgar Companion to David Ricardo, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 65-69.
  • Davide Fiaschi (2014), Natural Resources, Social Conflict, and Poverty Trap. In: K. Warneryd (eds), The Economics of Conflict, Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 41-77.
  • Elisa Giuliani – Chiara Macchi – Davide Fiaschi (2013). The Social Irresponsibility of International Business: A Novel Conceptualization, in International Business and Sustainable Development, (a cura di). van Tulder R., Verbeke A., Strange R., Progress in International Business Research, vol. 8, European International Business Academy (EIBA)/Emerald, pp. 141-171.
  • Davide Fiaschi – Andrea Mario Lavezzi (2011). Growth Volatility and the Structure of the Economy. In: Economic Growth and Development (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization). vol. 11, Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 197-239.

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