Papers in International Journals
- Rossi Andrea, Dini Gino. Dynamic scheduling of FMS using a real-time genetic algorithm. International Journal of Production Research, vol. 38, num. 1, pp 1-20, tot. autori 2, 2000, doi: 1080/002075400189545, WOS:000084752800001. Codice SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-0034627942
- Rossi Andrea, Dini Gino. An Evolutionary Approach to Complex Job-shop Scheduling and Flexible Manufacturing System Scheduling. Journal Engineering Manufacture – Part B, vol. 215, num. 2, pp 233-245, 2001, doi: 1243/0954405011515181, WOS:000168236300010. Codice SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-33646387285
- Andrea Rossi. A Deviation-based Method for CMM Sampling Optimisation in the Assessment of Roundness. Journal Engineering manufacture – Part B, vol. 215, num. 11, pp 1505-1518, 2001, doi: 1243/0954405011519411, WOS:000173120700003. Codice SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-33747030292
- Rossi Andrea, Dini Gino. Flexible Job-shop Scheduling with Routing Flexibility and Separable Setup Time using an Ant Colony. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 23, num. 5, pp 503-516, 2007, doi: 1016/j.rcim.2006.06.004, WOS:000247258500002. Codice SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-34247624966
- Rossi Andrea, Boschi Elena. A hybrid heuristic to solve the parallel machines job-shop scheduling problem. Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 40, num. 2, pp 118-127, 2009, doi:1016/j.advengsoft.2008.03.020, WOS:000261444200005. Codice SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-54249106355
- Rossi Andrea, Antonetti Michele, Barloscio Matteo, Lanzetta Michele. Fast genetic algorithm for roundness evaluation by the minimum zone tolerance (MZT) method. Measurement, vol. 44, n. 7, pp 1243-1252, 2011, doi:1016/j.measurement.2011.03.031, WOS:000292442600004. Codice SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-79957799291
- Rossi Andrea, Lanzetta Michele. Optimal blind sampling strategy for minimum zone roundness evaluation by metaheuristics. Precision Engineering, vol. 37, n. 2, pp 241-247, 2013, doi:1016/j.precisioneng.2012.09.001, WOS:000316585800001. Codice SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84873734344
- Rossi Andrea, Puppato Alessio, Lanzetta Michele. Heuristics for scheduling a two-stage hybrid flow shop with parallel batching machines: application at a hospital sterilisation plant. International Journal of Production Research, vol. 51, num. 8, pp 2363-2377, 2013, ISSN:00207543, doi:1080/00207543.2012.737942, WOS:000315460200011. Codice SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84874655297
- Rossi Andrea, Lanzetta Michele- Scheduling Flow Lines with Buffers by Ant Colony Digraph. Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 40, num. 8, pp 3328-2240, 2013, ISSN: 09574174, doi: 1016/j.eswa.2012.12.041, WOS:000316581300002. Codice SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84874665840
- Rossi, Andrea; Lanzetta, Michele- Non-permutation Flow Line Scheduling by Ant Colony Optimization. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI EDAM), vol. 27, num. 4, pp 349-357, 2013, doi: 1017/S0890060413000176. WOS:000325901800002. Codice SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84885127086
- Rossi, Andrea; Lanzetta, Michele. Roundness: a closed form upper bound for the centroid to minimum zone center distance by worst-case analysis. Measurement, vol. 46, n. 7, pp. 2251-2258, 2013, doi: 1016/j.measurement.2013.03.025. WOS:000320652500023. Codice Scopus: 2-s2.0-84878233766
- Meo, Alessando; Profumo, Luca; Rossi, Andrea; Lanzetta, Michele. Optimum Dataset Size and Search Space for Minimum Zone Roundness Evaluation by Genetic Algorithm. Measurement Science Review, vol. 13, n. 3, pp. 100-107, 2013, doi: 10.2478/msr-2013-0018. WOS:000322540700001. Codice Scopus: 2-s2.0-84879073625
- Rossi, Andrea; Pandolfi, Andrea; Lanzetta, Michele. Dynamic Priority for Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling with Parallel Batching Machines. International Journal of Production Research, vol. 52, n. 13, pp 3842-3857, 2013,doi: 10.1080/00207543.2013.835496. Codice Scopus: 2-s2.0-84885127086
- Rossi, Andrea, Chiodi, Stefano, Lanzetta, Michele. Minimum centroid neighborhood for minimum zone sphericity. Precision Engineering, vol. 38, n.2, pp 337-347, 2014, doi: 1016/j.precisioneng.2013.11.004. WOS:000332814500012. Codice Scopus: 2-s2.0-84894097834
- Rossi, Andrea. Flexible Job Shop Scheduling with Sequence-dependent Setup and Transportation Times by Ant Colony with Reinforced Pheromone Relationships. International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 153, pp 253-267, 2014, doi: 1016/j.ijpe.2014.03.006. Codice Scopus: 2-s2.0-84900466232
- Rossi, Andrea. Lanzetta, Michele. Native Metaheuristics for Non-Permutation Flowshop Scheduling, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (JIMS), vol. 25, num. 6, pp 1221-1233, 2014, doi: 1007/s10845-012-0724-8. Codice Scopus: 2-s2.0-84886405851
- Rossi, Andrea, Lanzetta, Michele, Soldani, Sauro. Hybrid Stage Shop Scheduling. Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 42, num. 8, pp 4105-4119, 2015, ISSN: 09574174, doi: 1016/j.eswa.2014.12.050, WOS:
- Rossi, Andrea; Lanzetta, Michele. Minimal Exhaustive Search Heuristics (MESH) of point clouds for form tolerancing: the minimum zone roundness. Precision Engineering vol. 43, pp 154-163, 2016, doi:
- Lanzetta, Michele; Rossi, Andrea; Puppato, Alessio. Modeling activity times by hybrid synthetic method. Production Planning and Control. vol. 27, num. 11, pp 909-924, 2016, doi:
Other Papers
- Rossi Andrea, Dini Gino, Scheduling Dinamico degli Impianti Flessibili di Produzione,Automazione e Strumentazione, 2000, vol. 1, pp. 119, tot. pag. 12, tot. autori 2, 2000
- Antonetti Michele, Barloscio Matteo, Lanzetta Michele, Rossi Andrea,Valutare gli errori di forma, IL PROGETTISTA INDUSTRIALE,vol. Anno XXX, n. 5, Maggio 2010,pp 70, tot.pag 4, tot. autori 4, 2010
- Puppato Alessio, Fuoco Barbara, Rossi Andrea, Lanzetta Michele,Ottimizzazione della produzione tramite software di scheduling, Automazione E Strumentazione,vol. Anno LVIII, n. 6, Giugno 2010, pp 66, tot.pag 5, tot. autori 4,2010
- Puppato Alessio, Fuoco Barbara, Rossi Andrea, Lanzetta Michele Minimizzazione del makespan mediante un software di scheduling in un Job Shop e in un Flexible Flow Shop.Automazione Integrata, XIII/2 (8). pp. 64, tot. pag. 5, tot. autori 5. ISSN 0393-3911, 2010
- Puppato Alessio, Rossi Andrea, Lanzetta Michele, Pagliantini Silvia, Tomassini Carlo r.,Sterilizzazione ospedaliera. Scheduling di un processo, TECNICA OSPEDALIERA,vol. Vol. XXXI, n. 10, pp 54, tot.pag 8, tot. autori 5, 2011
- Puppato Alessio, Rossi Andrea, Lanzetta Michele, Pagliantini Siliva,Sterilizzazione ospedaliera. Analisi di un processo, Tecnica Ospedaliera,vol. Vol. XXXI, n. 9,pp 48, tot.pag 7, tot. autori 4, 2011
- Madia Santino, Ierardi Francesco, Tarrini Carlo, Rossi Andrea, Lanzetta Michele,Ant Colony Optimization, Automazione Integrata,vol. XV (4), pp 39, tot.pag 3, tot. autori 5, 2012
- Madia Santino, Ierardi Francesco, Tarrini Carlo, Rossi Andrea, Lanzetta Michele, Lo scheduling per ottimizzare le risorse, Automazione Integrata,vol. XV (6), pp 27, tot.pag 3, tot. autori 5, 2012
- Bruni Filippo, Rossi Andrea, Lanzetta Michele, Come scegliere il sistema CAD. Il Progettista Industriale, XII (9). pp. 34, tot. pag. 2, tot. autori 3. ISSN 0392-4823, 2012
- Roundness Evaluation by Genetic Algorithms: Michele Lanzetta, Andrea Rossi – Marmo Macchine Classic, 2012 –
- Fattorini F., Pallesi F., Santini G., Abul Anam R.C., Rossi Andrea., Lanzetta M. (2013). Comparing the costs of laser andabrasive water-jet technologies in engraving work on stone / Comparazione dei costi delle tecnologie laser e abrasive waterjet per lavorazioni di incisione su materiali lapidei. Marmo Macchine Attrezzature e Accessori Vari, vol. 43, p. 32-45, ISSN: 0392-6303
- Soldani Sauro, Rossi Andrea, Lanzetta Michele (2013). Pianificazione integrata nella pelletteria. Automazione Integrata, vol. XVI, p. 32-34, ISSN: 0393-3911
- Soldani Sauro, Rossi Andrea, Lanzetta Michele (2013). Modellazione di un ciclo produttivo nel settore moda. Automazione Integrata, vol. XVI, p. 37-39, ISSN: 0393-3911
Papers in International Conferences
- Rossi Andrea, A Minimal Inspection Sampling Technique for Roundness Evaluation, Prime 2001, 1st CIRP International Seminar on PRogress in Innovative Manufacturing Engineering, Sestri Levante, Italy, June 22 – 24, 2001
- Rossi Andrea, Dini Gino, An FMS Dynamic Scheduling System by using a Hybrid Evolutionary-ant Colony Optimization,4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering ICME ’04, Sorrento, Italy, June 30 – July 2 2004
Papers in Other Conferences
- Failli Franco, Rossi Andrea, Dini Gino, Optimization of End-of-life Good Disassembly using an Ant Colony System, A.I.Te.M VI, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Italian Association of Mechanical Technology, Enhancing the Science of Manufacturing, Gaeta (LT), Italy,vol. Unico,2003
- Santochi Marco, Rossi Andrea, An Internet-based Educational Tool for Manufacturing, A.I.Te.M VI, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Italian Association of Mechanical Technology, Enhancing the Science of Manufacturing, Gaeta (LT), Italy,vol. Unico,2003
Final Report
- Puppato Alessio, Fuoco Barbara, Rossi Andrea, Lanzetta Michele,Scheduling: modelli, algoritmi e simulazione, Dip.Ing.Mecc.Nucl.Prod.-Univ.Pisa,tot. autori 4, 2010
Chapter in monografy
- Michele Lanzetta and Rossi Andrea (2012): Roundness Evaluation by Genetic Algorithms. In: (a cura di): A.R. Muñoz and I.G. Rodriguez, Handbook of Genetic Algorithms: New Research. HAUPPAUGE NY 11788-3619:Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN 978-1-62081-158-0. Codice SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84896421692
Personal Interview
- Lo Scheduling della Produzione a cura di Aldo Cavalcoli, Automazione Integrata, Ottobre 2014, pag. 18-20