
Prof. Andrea Pucci is a full professor in industrial chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCCI) of the University of Pisa. Pucci received MSc (1999, cum laude) and PhD (2003) degrees in Chemistry from the University of Pisa and continued his postdoctoral research in the same University. He was visiting scientist at ETH Zurich, the University of Manchester, the Polish Academy of Science in Lodz and at the University of Groningen. In 2011, he was appointed assistant professor (ricercatore) and then associate professor in 2015 at DCCI. In 2017, Pucci received the National Academic Qualification as Full Professor in Industrial Chemistry. His scientific interests are expressed in the field of polymer science with particular attention to the preparation, modification and characterization of mono-or multiphase polymer (nano)systems with functional properties for applications such as chromogenic materials responsive to external stimuli of various kinds or for applications in the energy field (solar and fuel-cells). The scientific activity also takes advantage of collaborations with important international research centers such as the University of Groningen (The Netherlands), the MIT of Boston (USA), the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie (France), which have contributed to developing an innovative vision of research and for bringing the results to industrial fruition. Since 2012, he has mentored over 70 MSc and BSc thesis students, 6 PhD students and 6 postdocs. He presented the results of his research in over 100 research lectures at conferences and invited seminars worldwide, i.e. MRS, E-MRS, Faraday Discussion and ICMAT, among others.

Bibliometric indicators

179 articles in peer-reviewed international journals; 7 reviews; 8 book chapters; 6 patents. The 179 products indexed by Scopus received over 4600 citations with an h-index = 35. The production of the last ten years (2013 onward) is: 116 products with over 3900 citations and h-Index = 25 (Source Scopus March 2022).


2013: Innovation Challenge on Smart Polymer Materials of the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (Sabic)

2013: Journal Grant Award for International Authors of the Royal Society of Chemistry

2007: Journal Grant Award for International Authors of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Institutional Responsibilities

2021-today: Deputy director of the research center for Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Pisa

2020-today: Chair of the Bachelor degree course in Chemistry for Industry and Environment and of the Master degree in Industrial Chemistry

2020-today: Chair of the patent technical committee of the University of Pisa

2018-today: Member of the Advisory Board of the Center for Instrumentation Sharing of the University of Pisa


2017-today: Member of the board of directors of the Tuscany section of the Italian Society of Chemistry (SCI)

2019-today: Member of the board of directors of the Italian Association of Science and Technology of Macromolecules (AIM)

Conferences Organization

2013: Member of the Organizing Committee of the “European Polymer Congress – EPF 2013″, Pisa

2016: Member of the Scientific Committee of the “2nd International Caparica Conference on Chromogenic and Emissive Materials”, Lisbon

2017: Co-chair of the “The Third International Symposium on Aggregation Induced Emission: Materials, Mechanisms and Applications”, Singapore

2017: Member of the advisory board of the “14th International Conference on Polymers for Advanced Technologies (PAT 2017)”, Manchester

2021: Member of the scientific committee of the “International Conference on Aggregate Science, 20th Anniversary of AIE Research”, Guangzhou

Commissions of trust

2004-today: Regular reviewer of many chemical journals. Publons top peer reviewer in Chemistry for the 2017, 2018 and 2019 years

2010-today: Evaluator for EU research grants under H2020 FET-OPEN program, Swiss, Romanian and Hong-Kong National Research Programs

2014-today: External examiner/Commission member for PhD theses, in Italy and abroad.

2015-today: Member of “REPRISE – Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation” of Cineca

2016-today: Associate Editor of the journal RSC Advances of the Royal Society of Chemistry

2018-today: Member of the editorial board of the journals: Polymers for Advanced Technologies and Aggregate (Wiley), Dyes and Pigments (Elsevier), Polymers and Chemosensors (MDPI)

2020-today: Member of the “Gruppo Esperti Valutatori – GEV” Area 03- Chemistry for the VQR 2015-2019

Italian, international and industrial projects


2012-2015: Member of the UNIPI unit of the PRIN n. 2010XLLNM3 “Materiali polimerici nanostrutturati con strutture molecolari e cristalline mirate, per tecnologie avanzate e per l’ambiente”

2012-2015: PI of the UNIPI unit of the project FIRB n. RBFR122HFZ “Progettazione di materiali nano-eterogenei per la conversione di energia solare”

2017-2020: member of the UNIPI unit of the POR FESR 2014-2020 – Bando 1 Tuscany Region – “Coating organici per superfici NIR riflettenti”

2017: Recipient of the UNIPI call BIHO (action 2) for supporting the research in the Horizon 2020 programs

2018-2019: PI of the Technology Transfer project “Dimostratori Tecnologici” – “Concentratori Solari Luminescenti di Dispersioni Acquose Filmogene – SOLARFILM”

2018-2019: PI of the project POR FSE 2014 – 2020 Asse A Occupazione Tuscany Region “Guaine bituminose e termoplastiche NIR Riflettenti per rivestimenti a risparmio energetico – Barrier”

2019-today: PI of the UNIPI unit of the project PRIN 20179BJNA2 “Functional supramolecular polymers for self-diagnostic composites”


2013-2014: PI of the MIT (Boston) – UNIPI joint project “Nanostructured Materials for Sensing Applications”

2017-2021: PI of the UNIPI unit of the European Project BIOMOTIVE — H2020-BBI-JTI-2016/H2020 “Advanced BIObased polyurethanes and fibres for the autoMOTIVE industry with increased environmental sustainability”


2012-today: several projects with ENI in the frame of the development of innovative lubricants for oils and dispersants for engines

2019-today: consultant for the UNIPI – Sardinian Greenhouses S.r.l. research project for the development of innovative and low-energy impact greenhouses

2020-today: PI of the UNIPI – ENEA research project “Studio e sviluppo di membrane a scambio anionico e realizzazione e fornitura di membrane a scambio anionico” in the frame of the “Piano Triennale della Ricerca nell’ambito del Sistema Elettrico Nazionale 2019-2021” approved by the “Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico” MiSE

Università di Pisa
Lungarno Pacinotti 43, 56126 Pisa
P.I. 00286820501
C.F. 80003670504

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