
My Research Projects


  • Call EU FP6 – NoE “Euro-FGI: Design and engineering of the Future Generation Internet – Towards convergent multi-service networks”.
    Role: Technical Responsible of the wireless networks research activities of the University of Pisa Unit.
    Period of my participation:  from 01-12-2006 to 31-05-2008
  • Call EU FP6 – NoE “Euro-NGI – Design and Engineering of the Next Generation Internet”.
    Role: Technical Responsible of the wireless networks research activities of the University of Pisa Unit.
    Period of my participation:  from 01-12-2003 to 30-11-2006.
  • Contract TERENA “Trans European Research and Education Network Association” for the diffusion of VoIP technology.
    Role: Technical responsible of the University of Pisa Unit. The result of the project is the book IP Telephony Cookbook
    Period of my participation: from 01-04-2003 to 28-02-2004
  • Call EU FP4-ACTS, Project “PETERPAN Provision of an enhanced transport by exploiting reservation in IP and ATM Networks”.
    Role: Participant to the research activities aimed at acquiring and characterising traffic data on the ATM trial of the project.
    Period of my participation: from 01-11-1998 to 30-05-1999


  • Call PRIN “Futuro In Ricerca, 2013” – Project “GreenNet – Greening the Network”.
    Role: Participant to the reserach activities of the WP “Planning and control of Green networks”
    Project Period: from 01-03-2012 to 28-02-2016
  • Call PRIN 2009 – Project “Progetto di un gateway residenziale per la gestione di sistemi di automazione domestica e di comunicazione ed intrattenimento (Design of a residential gateway for the management of systems for home automation, communication and entertainment”.
    Role: Scientific Responsible of the University of Pisa Research Unit
    Project Period: from 17-10-2011 to 17-10-2013
  • Call PRIN 2007 – Project “Progetto di un’architettura per WMN autonomica e sicura (Design of an architecture for autonomic and secure WMN)”
    Role: Scientific Responsible of the University of Pisa Research Unit
    Project Period: from 22-09-2008 to 21-09-2010
  • Call PRIN 2004 – Project “Virtual Private Networks con differenziazione della QoS basata su architettura DiffServ nelle reti di accesso WLAN 802.11e (Virtual Private Networks with QoS differentiation based on DiffServ architecture on the access networks WLAN 802.11e)”
    Role: Scientific Responsible of the University of Pisa Research Unit
    Project Period: from 30-11-2004 to 30-11-2006


Università di Pisa
Lungarno Pacinotti 43, 56126 Pisa
P.I. 00286820501
C.F. 80003670504

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SIA - Sistema Informatico di Ateneo

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