
Selected publications

Turbanti, G. (2023). “An Expressivist Strategy to Understand Logical Forms”. Logic and Logical Philosophy, 32(3): 511–525. ISSN: 1425-3305.

Turbanti, G. (2023). Philosophy of Communication. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-031-12462-4.

Turbanti, G. (2022). “Is There a Logic to «Erinnerung»?”. Iride, 35(95):161-172. ISSN 1122-7893.

Turbanti, G. (2022). “Some Remarks on the Categories of the Manifest Image”. Philosophical Inquiries, 10(1):43-48. ISSN 2281-8618.

Turbanti, G. (2021). “Logical Expressivism and Pluralism”. In Bellotti, L. e Turbanti, G. (a cura di), Fourth Pisa Colloquium in Logic, Language and Epistemology, pp. 183-202, Pisa: ETS. ISBN 8846762606.

Turbanti, G. (2020). Logica e Mondi Possibili. Pisa: Pisa University Press. ISBN 978-883339-4206.

Turbanti, G. (2019). “At the Roots of Rational Expressivism”. In Bellotti, L., Gili, L., Moriconi, E. e Turbanti, G. (a cura di), Third Pisa Colloquium in Logic, Language and Epistemology, pp. 373-388, Pisa: ETS. ISBN 8846755197.

Turbanti, G. (2019). “Rationality and the Variety of Language Games”. Disputatio, 8(9). ISSN 2254-0601.

Turbanti, G. (2019). “The Constitutive Role of Trust in Semantics”. Teoria, 39(2):201-217. ISSN 1122-1259.

Turbanti, G. (2017). “Expressing Rules”. Phenomenology and Mind, 13:168-174. ISSN 2280-7853.

Gronda, R. e Turbanti, G. (2017). “On The Pragmatic Content of Science and Common Sense”. European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy, 9(2). ISSN 2036-4091.

Turbanti, G. (2017). Robert Brandom’s Normative Inferentialism. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN 9789027256850.

Turbanti, G. (2014). “The Role of Perspectives in the Interpretation of Defeasible Reasoning”. In Dancak, M. e Puncochar, V. (a cura di), The Logica Yearbook 2013, pp. 239-254. London: College Publications. ISBN 978-1-84890-144-5.

Turbanti, G. (2012). “Normativity and the Realist Stance in Semantics”. Humana.Mente, 21(April):83-102. ISSN: 1972-1293.

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