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- M. Alamir, G. Pannocchia. A new formulation of Economic Model Predictive Control without terminal constraint. Automatica, 125 (3), 109420, 2021.
- G. Pannocchia, W.P. Heath. Offset-free IMC with generalized disturbance models. Automatica, 122, 1092070, 2020.
- G. Pannocchia. Handbook of Model Predictive Control [Bookshelf]. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 40(5), 96-99, 2020.
- M. Vaccari, F. Pelagagge, D. Bonvin, G. Pannocchia. Estimation technique for offset-free economic MPC based on modifier adaptation. In Proceedings of 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin (Germany), 2020.
- M. Vaccari, R. Bacci di Capaci, E. Brunazzi, L. Tognotti, P. Pierno, R. Vagheggi, G. Pannocchia. Implementation of an Industry 4.0 system to optimally manage chemical plant operation. In Proceedings of 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin (Germany), 2020.
- M. Mönnigmann, G. Pannocchia. Reducing the computational effort of MPC with closed-loop optimal sequences of affine laws. In Proceedings of 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin (Germany), 2020.
- M. Vaccari, G. Pannocchia, L. Tognotti, M. Paci, R. Bonciani. A rigorous simulation model of geothermal power plants for emission control. Applied Energy, 263, 114563, 2020.
- M. Vaccari, G. Pannocchia. A Performance Monitoring Algorithm for Sustained Optimal Operation with Economic MPC. In Proceedings of European Control Conference 2019, Naples (Italy), Art. no. 8795761, 3353-3358, 2019.
- M. Razzanelli, E. Crisostomi, L. Pallottino, G. Pannocchia. Distributed Model Predictive Control for Energy Management in a Network of Microgrids Using the Dual Decomposition Method. Optimal Control Applications & Methods, 41(1), 25-41, 2020.
- M. Antognoli, C. Galletti, R. Bacci di Capaci, G. Pannocchia, C. Scali. Numerical Investigation of the Mixing of Highly Viscous Liquids with Cowles Impellers. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 74, 973-978, 2019.
- G. Pannocchia. Distributed model predictive control. In: T. Samad, Baillieul (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, Springer, Article 5-2, 2019.
- M. Vaccari, G.M. Mancuso, J. Riccardi, M. Cantù, G. Pannocchia. A Sequential Linear Programming Algorithm for Economic Optimization of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems. Journal of Process Control, 74, 189-201, 2019.
- M. Razzanelli, M. Innocenti, G. Pannocchia, L. Pollini. Vision-based Model Predictive Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Automatic Trajectory Generation and Tracking. In Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Art. no. AIAA-2019-1409, 2019.
- T. Faulwasser, G. Pannocchia. Toward a Unifying Framework Blending Real-Time Optimization and Economic Model Predictive Control. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 58(30), 13583–13598, 2019.
- R. Bacci di Capaci, M. Vaccari, C. Scali, G. Pannocchia. Enhancing MPC formulations by identification and estimation of valve stiction. Journal of Process Control, 81, 31-39, 2019.
- M. Gabiccini, A. Artoni, G. Pannocchia, J. Gillis. A Computational Framework for Environment-Aware Robotic Manipulation Planning. Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, 2, 363-387, 2018.
- G. Landucci, A. Pupillo, A. Mencaroni, G. Pannocchia. Quantitative consequence assessment of industrial accidents supported by dynamic process simulators. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 67, 139-144, 2018.
- R. Bacci di Capaci, M. Vaccari, G. Pannocchia. Model predictive control design for multivariable processes in the presence of valve stiction. Journal of Process Control, 70, 25-34, 2018.
- S. Adelipour, M. Haeri, G. Pannocchia. Decentralized Robust Model Predictive Control for Multi-input Linear Systems. In Proceedings of UK ACC Control 2018, Sheffield (UK), 13-18, 2018.
- G. Armenise, R. Bacci di Capaci, M. Vaccari, G. Pannocchia. An open-source System Identification Package for multivariable processes. In Proceedings of UK ACC Control, Sheffield (UK), 152-157, 2018.
- M. Vaccari, G. Pannocchia. Implementation of an economic MPC with robustly optimal steady-state behavior. In Proceedings of IFAC Conference NMPC 2018, Madison (WI, USA), IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51 (20), 92-97, 2018.
- G. Pannocchia. An economic MPC formulation with offset-free asymptotic performance. In Proceedings of IFAC Symposium ADCHEM 2018, Shenyang (China), IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51 (18), 393-398, 2018.
- R. Bacci di Capaci, M. Vaccari, G. Pannocchia, C. Scali. Identification and estimation of valve stiction by the use of a smoothed model. In Proceedings of IFAC Symposium ADCHEM 2018, Shenyang (China), IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51 (18), 684-689, 2018.
- M. Razzanelli, G. Pannocchia. Parsimonious cooperative distributed MPC algorithms for offset-free tracking. Journal of Process Control, 60, 1-13, 2017.
- M. Schulze Darup, M. Jost, G. Pannocchia, M. Mönnigmann. On the Maximal Controller Gain in Linear MPC. In Proceedings of IFAC World Congress, Toulouse (France), IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), 9218-9223, 2017.
- R. Bacci di Capaci, M. Vaccari, G. Pannocchia. A Valve Stiction Tolerant Formulation of MPC for Industrial Processes. In Proceedings of IFAC World Congress, Toulouse (France), IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), 9044-9049, 2017.
- W. P. Heath, M. Polignano, G. Pannocchia. Observer-Based Offset-Free Internal Model Control. In Proceedings of IFAC World Congress, Toulouse (France), IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), 898-903, 2017.
- M. Jost, G. Pannocchia, M. Mönnigmann. Accelerating linear model predictive control by constraint removal. European Journal of Control, 35, 42-49, 2017.
- M. Vaccari, G. Pannocchia. A Modifier-Adaptation Strategy towards Offset-Free Economic MPC. Processes, 5(1), Art. no. 2, 2017.
- R. Bacci di Capaci, C. Scali, G. Pannocchia. System identification applied to stiction quantification in industrial control loops: A comparative study. Journal of Process Control, 46, 11-23, 2016.
- M. Jost, G. Pannocchia, M. Mönnigmann. Constraint removal in linear MPC: an improved criterion and complexity analysis. In Proceedings of European Control Conference (ECC’16), 752-757, Aalborg (Denmark), 2016.
- M. Razzanelli, G. Pannocchia. Parsimonious Cooperative Distributed MPC for Tracking Piece-Wise Constant Setpoints. Keynote lecture in Proceedings of IFAC Symposium DYCOPS-CAB 2016, Trondheim (Norway). IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (7), 520-525, 2016.
- M. Jost, G. Pannocchia, M. Mönnigmann. Online constraint removal: accelerating MPC with a Lyapunov function. Automatica, 57 (7), 164-169, 2015.
- G. Pannocchia, J. B. Rawlings, D. Q. Mayne, G. M. Mancuso. Whither discrete time model predictive control? IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60 (1), 246-252, 2015.
- M. Jost, G. Pannocchia, M. Mönnigmann. Accelerating tube-based model predictive control by constraint removal. In Proceedings of 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3651-3656, Osaka (Japan), 2015.
- G. Pannocchia, M. Gabiccini, A. Artoni. Offset-free MPC explained: novelties, subtleties, and applications. Invited semi-plenary paper: in Proceedings of 5th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Seville (Spain). IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(23), 342-351, 2015.
- B. Morabito, M. J. Koegel, E. Bullinger, G. Pannocchia, R. Findeisen. Simple and efficient moving horizon estimation based on the fast gradient method In Proceedings of 5th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Seville (Spain). IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(23), 428-433, 2015.
- G. Pannocchia. Offset-free tracking MPC: A tutorial review and comparison of different formulations. In Proceedings of the 2015 European Control Conference, 527-532, Linz (Austria), 2015.
- M. Jost, G. Pannocchia, M. Mönnigmann. Assessing the speedup achievable by online constraint removal in MPC. In Proceedings of the 2015 European Control Conference, 3439-3444, Linz (Austria), 2015.
- R. Bacci di Capaci, C. Scali, G. Pannocchia. Identification techniques for stiction quantification in the presence of nonstationary disturbances. In Proceedings of ADCHEM 2015, Whistler (BC, Canada). IFAC-PapersOnLine, 28(8), 629-634, 2015.
- G. M. Mancuso, E. Bini, G. Pannocchia. Optimal Priority Assignment of Control Tasks. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 13 (5s), Art. no. 161, 2014.
- G. Pannocchia, S. J. Wright, J. B. Rawlings. On the use of suboptimal solvers for efficient cooperative distributed linear MPC. Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 69, 553-568, 2014.
- G. Landucci, G. Pannocchia. On the Use of Dynamic Process Simulators for the Quantitative Assessment of Industrial Accidents. Chemical Engineering Transactions 36, 505-510, 2014.
- G. Pannocchia. Distributed model predictive control. In: T. Samad, Baillieul (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, Springer, Article # 364755, Chapter # 5, 2014.
- G. Pannocchia, A. De Luca, M. Bottai. Prediction error based performance monitoring, degradation diagnosis and remedies in offset-free MPC: Theory and applications. Asian Journal of Control, 16 (4), 995-1005, 2014.
- M. Laurino, A. Landi, G. Pannocchia. Parameters identification of HIV dynamic models for HAART treated patients: a comparative study. In Proceedings of 2014 American Control Conference, 2759-2764, Portland (OR, USA), 2014.
- G. Pannocchia, E. Morano, M. Laurino, S. Nozza, G. Tambussi, A. Landi. Identification and experimental validation of an HIV model for HAART treated patients. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 112 (3), 432-440, 2013.
- G. Landucci, G. Pannocchia, C. Nicolella, L. Pelagagge. Analysis and simulation of an industrial vegetable oil refining process. Journal of Food Engineering, 116, 840-851, 2013.
- G. Pannocchia, A. Frassi, C. Verdicchio, A. Ansiati. A simulation tool for three-phase cryogenic separation of natural gas with high content of CO2. In Chemical Engineering Greetings to Prof. Paolo Andreussi on the occasion of his 65th birthday (A. Soldati Ed.), 237-242, 2013. ISBN 978-88-95608-56-3.
- G. Pannocchia, M. Bottai, A. De Luca. MPC performance monitoring of a rigorously simulated industrial process. In Proceedings of DYCOPS 2013 (10th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems), 601-606, Mumbai (India), 2013.
- G. Pannocchia, M. Bottai, A. De Luca. Application of a method to diagnose the source of performance degradation in MPC systems. Chemical Engineering Transactions 32, 1189-1194, Milan (Italy), 2013
- M. Laurino, M. Stano, M. Betta, G. Pannocchia, A. Landi. Combining pharmacological therapy and vaccination in chronic myeloid Leukemia via model predictive control. In Proceedings of 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 3925-3928, Osaka (Japan), 2013.
- G. Pannocchia, D. Q. Mayne, J. B. Rawlings, G. M. Mancuso. A parsimonious algorithm for the solution of continuous-time constrained LQR problems with guaranteed convergence. In Proceedings of the 2013 European Control Conference, 1553-1558, Zurich (Switzerland), 2013.
- S. Grammatico, G. Pannocchia. Achieving a large domain of attraction with short-horizon linear MPC via polyhedral Lyapunov functions. In Proceedings of the 2013 European Control Conference, 1059-1064, Zurich (Switzerland), 2013.
- F. Galvanin, M. Barolo, G. Pannocchia, F. Bezzo. A disturbance estimation approach for online model-based redesign of experiments in the presence of systematic modelling errors. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 42, 138-151, 2012.
- A. Bardi, G. Pannocchia. A multivariable approach for control system optimization of IGCC with CCS in DECARBit project, Energy Procedia, 23, 370-380, 2012.
- G. Pannocchia, A. De Luca. Performance degradation diagnosis and remedies in offset-free MPC. In Proceedings of 2012 American Control Conference, Montreal (Canada), 2012.
- G. Pannocchia, S. J. Wright, J. B. Rawlings. Partial enumeration MPC: Robust stability results and application to an unstable CSTR. Journal of Process Control, 21 (10), 1459-1466, 2011.
- G. Pannocchia, J. B. Rawlings, S. J. Wright. Conditions under which suboptimal nonlinear model predictive control is inherently robust. Systems and Control Letters, 60 (9), 747-755, 2011.
- G. Pannocchia, J. B. Rawlings, S. J. Wright. Inherently robust suboptimal nonlinear MPC: Theory and application. In Proceedings of 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, 3398-3403, Orlando, FL (USA), 2011.
- G. Pannocchia, J. B. Rawlings, S. J. Wright. Is suboptimal nonlinear MPC inherently robust? In Proceedings of 18th IFAC World Congress, Paper WeB07.4, Milano (Italy), 2011.
- G. M. Mancuso, E. Bini, G. Pannocchia. Optimal computational resource allocation for control task under fixed priority scheduling. In Proceedings of 18th IFAC World Congress, Paper ThC07.1, Milano (Italy), 2011.
- G. Landucci, B. Nucci, M. Pierini, G. Pannocchia, L. Pelagagge, C. Nicolella. Hazards assessment of vegetable oil storage and processing plants. Chemical Engineering Transactions 24, 1093-1098, 2011.
- F. Galvanin, M. Barolo, G. Pannocchia, F. Bezzo. A disturbance estimation approach for online model-based redesign of experiments in the presence of systematic errors. In Proceedings of 21st European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering, 467-471, Porto Carras (Greece), 2011.
- G. Pannocchia, J. B. Rawlings, D. Q. Mayne, W. Marquardt. On computing solutions to the continuous time constrained linear quadratic regulator. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 55 (9), 2192-2198, 2010.
- B. T. Stewart, A. N. Venkat, J. B. Rawlings, S. J. Wright, G. Pannocchia. Cooperative distributed model predictive control. Systems and Control Letters, 59 (8), 460-469, 2010.
- G. Pannocchia, M. Laurino, A. Landi. A model predictive control strategy toward optimal structured treatment interruptions in anti-HIV therapy. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 57 (5), 1040-1050, 2010.
- G. Pannocchia and M. Calosi. A predictor form PARSIMonious algorithm for closed-loop subspace identification. Journal of Process Control, 20 (4), 517-524, 2010.
- G. Pannocchia, J. B. Rawlings, S. J. Wright. Partial enumeration MPC: Robust stability results and application to an unstable CSTR. In Proceedings of DYCOPS 2010 (9th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems), 7-12, Leuven (Belgium), 2010.
- G. Pannocchia, M. Calosi. Closed-loop PARSIMonious subspace identification: Theory and application to MPC. In Proceedings of DYCOPS 2010 (9th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems), 361-366, Leuven (Belgium), 2010.
- E. Biagini, L. Masoni, M. Simone, E. Bargagna, G. Pannocchia, C. Nicolella, L. Tognotti. Advanced process models for biomass gasifiers. In Proceedings of 18th Biomass European Conference & Exhibition, 838-846, Lion (France), 2010.
- G. Pannocchia, A. Landi, M. Laurino. On the use of nonlinear model predictive control for pharmacological therapy optimization. In Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Workshop on Health Care Management, Paper no. 5441282, Venice (Italy), 2010.
- E. Biagini, A. Bardi, G. Pannocchia, L. Tognotti. Development of a gasifier model for process optimization studies. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (19), 9028-9033, 2009.
- G. Pannocchia, G. Scaturchio, A. Brambilla. A prediction error-based method for the performance monitoring of model predictive controllers. In: L. Ferrarini, C. Veber (Eds.) Modeling, Control, Simulation and Diagnosis of Complex Industrial and Energy Systems, 183-204, 2009. ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-934394-90-8.
- B. T. Stewart, J. B. Rawlings, G. Pannocchia. Cooperative, distributed model predictive control for managing resource coupled constraints. In Proceedings of AIChE Ethylene Producers Conference, 309-321, Tampa (FL, USA), 2009.
- G. Pannocchia, S. J. Wright, B. T. Stewart, J. B. Rawlings. Efficient cooperative distributed MPC using partial enumeration. In Proceedings of ADCHEM 2009 (International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Process), 637-642, Istanbul (Turkey), 2009.
- G. Pannocchia, J. B. Rawlings, D. Q. Mayne, W. Marquardt. Computation of the infinite horizon continuous time constrained linear quadratic regulator. In Proceedings of ADCHEM 2009 (International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Process), 243-248, Istanbul (Turkey), 2009.
- E. Biagini, L. Masoni, G. Pannocchia, L. Tognotti. Development of gasifier models for hydrogen production optimization. In Proceedings of ICheaP-9 (9-th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering), Chemical Engineering Transactions 17, 1221-1226, Rome (Italy), 2009.
- A. Micchi, G. Pannocchia. Comparison of input signals in subspace identification of multivariable ill-conditioned systems. Journal of Process Control, 18 (6), 582-593, 2008.
- E. Biagini, G. Pannocchia, L. Tognotti. An optimization approach to integrated gasification processes for hydrogen production. In Proceedings of 31th Meeting on Combustion, Paper no. XII-3, Turin (Italy), 2008.
- E. Biagini, A. Frassi, T. Bacci, G. Pannocchia, L. Tognotti. Process study on hydrogen production from co-gasification of biomass fuels. In Proceedings of 16th European Conference & Exhibition – Fiera Valencia, 1025-1039, Valencia (Spain), 2008.
- G. Pannocchia, M. Puccini, M. Seggiani, S. Vitolo. Experimental and modelling studies on high temperature capture of CO2 using lithium zirconate based sorbents. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46, 6696-6706, 2007.
- G. Pannocchia, A. Brambilla. How auxiliary variables and plant data collection affect closed-loop performance of inferential control. Journal of Process Control, 17 (8), 653-663, 2007.
- G. Pannocchia, A. Bemporad. Combined design of disturbance model and observer for offset-free model predictive control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 52 (6), 1048-1053, 2007.
- G. Pannocchia, J. B. Rawlings, S. J. Wright. Fast, large-scale model predictive control by partial enumeration. Automatica, 43 (5), 852-860, 2007.
- A. Micchi, G. Pannocchia. On test design for subspace identification of multivariable ill-conditioned systems. In Proceedings of DYCOPS 2007 (8th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems), vol. 2, 219-224, Cancun (Mexico), 2007.
- G. Pannocchia, C. Scali. A new performance evaluation strategy for decentralized multivariable PID control systems. In Proceedings of DYCOPS 2007 (8th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems), vol. 3, 187-192. Cancun (Mexico), 2007.
- G. Pannocchia, A. Brambilla. Model predictive control for optimal oral anticoagulant drug administration. AIChE Journal, 52 (9), 3315-3320, 2006.
- G. Pannocchia, G. Scaturchio, A. Brambilla. A prediction error based method for performance monitoring of model predictive controllers. In Proceedings of ANIPLA 2006, International Congress on Methodologies for Emerging Technologies in Automation, M214. Rome (Italy), 2006.
- G. Pannocchia, M. Puccini, A. Catani, S. Vitolo, M. Innocenti. High temperature capture of CO2 on lithium zirconate based sorbents: Modelling and experimental studies. In Proceedings of First Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering for Environment, 18-24, Venice (Italy), 2006.
- G. Pannocchia, M. Bientinesi, S. Vitolo, D. Castiello, N. Andreanini. Development and validation of an activated sludge model for an MBR equipped domestic wastewater plant. In Proceedings of First Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering for Environment, 133-140, Venice (Italy), 2006.
- E. Biagini, G. Pannocchia, M. Zanobini, G. Gigliucci, I. Riccardi, F. Donatini, L. Tognotti. Process optimization of hydrogen production from coal gasification. In Proceedings of 29th Meeting on Combustion, Paper no. VI-5, Pisa (Italy), 2006.
- G. Pannocchia, A. Micchi, R. Bulleri, A. Brambilla, G. Marchetti. Multivariable subspace identification and predictive control of a heat-integrated superfractionator. In Proceedings of ADCHEM 2006 (International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Process), 421-426, Gramado (Brazil), 2006.
- G. Pannocchia, L. Gallinelli, A. Brambilla, G. Marchetti, F. Trivella. Rigorous simulation and model predictive control of a crude distillation unit. In Proceedings of ADCHEM 2006 (International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Process), 635-640, Gramado (Brazil), 2006.
- G. Pannocchia, J. B. Rawlings, S. J. Wright. A partial enumeration strategy for fast large-scale linear model predictive control. In Proceedings of CPC 7 (Chemical Process Control), Lake Luise, Alberta (Canada), 2006.
- G. Pannocchia, E. C. Kerrigan. Offset-free receding horizon control of constrained linear systems. AIChE Journal, 51 (12), 3134-3146, 2005.
- G. Pannocchia, A. Brambilla. How to use simplified dynamics in model predictive control of superfractionators. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (8), 2687-2696, 2005.
- G. Pannocchia, N. Laachi, J. B. Rawlings. A candidate to replace PID control: SISO constrained LQ control. AIChE Journal, 51 (4), 1178-1189, 2005.
- G. Pannocchia. Robust model predictive control with guaranteed setpoint tracking. Journal of Process Control, 14 (8), 927-937, 2004.
- G. Pannocchia, N. Laachi, J. B. Rawlings. A fast, easily tuned, SISO, model predictive controller. In Proceedings of DYCOPS 7 (International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems), Paper WA3.5, Cambridge, MA (USA), 2004.
- G. Pannocchia, P. Leoni, A. Brambilla. A critical comparison of linear and nonlinear property estimators in inferential control. In Proceedings of DYCOPS 7 (International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems), Paper WP2.3, Cambridge, MA (USA), 2004.
- D. Pastore, A. Brambilla, G. Pannocchia. Estimator design with PLS model for consistent control of refinery main fractionators. In Proceedings of ADCHEM 2003 (International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes), vol. I, 129-134, Hong Kong, 2004.
- M. Seggiani, G. Pannocchia. Prediction of coal ash thermal properties using partial least squares regression. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 42 (20), 4919-4926, 2003.
- G. Pannocchia, A. Brambilla. Consistency of property estimators in distillation column control. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 42 (20), 4452-4460, 2003.
- G. Pannocchia. Robust disturbance modeling for model predictive control with application to multivariable ill-conditioned processes. Journal of Process Control, 13 (8), 693-701, 2003.
- G. Pannocchia, S. J. Wright, J. B. Rawlings. Existence and computation of infinite horizon model predictive control with active steady-state input constraints. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48 (6), 1002-1006, 2003.
- G. Pannocchia, J. B. Rawlings. Disturbance models for offset-free model predictive control. AIChE Journal, 49 (2), 426-437, 2003.
- G. Pannocchia, E. C. Kerrigan. Offset-free control of constrained linear discrete-time systems subject to persistent unmeasured disturbances. In Proceedings of 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3911-3916, Hawaii (USA), 2003.
- G. Pannocchia, A. Brambilla. Implications of the training data set on the performance of property estimators. In Proceedings of 6-th Italian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, vol. II, 1117-1122. Pisa (Italy), 2003.
- G. Pannocchia. Robust offset-free model predictive control. In Proceedings of the 15th IFAC World Congress, Paper T-We-A17-5, Barcelona (Spain), 2002.
- G. Pannocchia, J. B. Rawlings. Infinite horizon model predictive control with active steady-state constraints. In Annual AIChE Meeting, Paper no. 284a, Reno, NV (USA), 2001.
- G. Pannocchia, D. Semino. Use of different kinds of linear models in predictive control of distillation columns. In Proceedings of ADCHEM 2000 (International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes), vol. II, 713-718, Pisa (Italy), 2000.
- G. Pannocchia, D. Semino. Implications of distillation column design on ill-conditioning. In Proceedings of ADCHEM 2000 (International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes), vol. I, 557-562, Pisa (Italy), 2000.
- G. Pannocchia, D. Semino. Optimal modified models for robust predictive controllers. In Proceedings of the 14th IFAC World Congress, vol. N-7, 157-162, Beijing (China), 1999.
- D. Semino, G. Pannocchia. Robust multivariable inverse based controllers: theory and application. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 38 (6), 2375-2382, 1999.
- D. Semino, G. Pannocchia. Robust optimized decouplers and inverse-based controllers. In Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Electronics and Automatic Control, 468-471, Marrakech (Maroc), 1998.
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