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Organizzazione scientifica di Convegni internazionali (selezione)/ Organisation of International Scientific Meetings
- 2019 (co-convenor): “Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions: Intellect, Experience and More” Supported by: Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere dell’Università di Pisa (UNIPI); Marquette University (Milwaukee), Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin), University of Notre Dame (South Bend, IN), The Nanovic Institute for European Studies (Notre Dame, IN).
- 2017 (convenor): “International Workshop: Greek into Arabic and Beyond”. Supported by the European Commission.
- 2014 (convenor): “Plotinus East and West. The Enneads in Arabic and Latin”, Pisa Final International Workshop of the ERC AdG 249431 “Greek into Arabic. Philosophical Concepts and Linguistic Bridges. Supported by the European Commission.
- 2012 (convenor): “2nd International Workshop of the ERC AdG 249431 Greek into Arabic. Philosophical Concepts and Linguistic Bridges”. Supported by the European Commission.
- 2011 (convenor): “1st International Workshop of the ERC AdG 249431 Greek into Arabic. Philosophical Concepts and Linguistic Bridges”. Supported by the European Commission.
- 2006— (member of the board): Annual meeting of the Centre “Incontro di culture. La trasmissione dei testi filosofici e scientifici dal greco al siriaco, all’arabo e al latino” (Università di Pisa – Università di Padova – École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris). Supported by the University of Pisa, University of Padua, EPHE Paris.
- 2004 (convenor): The Libraries of the Neoplatonists. Final workshop of the European Science Foundation Network “Late Antiquity and Arabic Thought”, Strasbourg, March 12-14, 2004. Supported by the European Science Foundation.
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