
1) Academic profile
Investigator in Moral Philosophy and in Theoretical Philosophy at Pisa University (from 1984/85 to 1997/98)
Lecturer of Philosophy of Religions at Pisa University (from 1991/92 to 1997/98)
Adjunct Professor of Theoretical Philosophy (Philosophical Hermeneutics) at Pisa University (from 1998/99 to 2000/01)
Full professor of Moral Philosophy, Pisa University (from 2001)
Professor of Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Religions, Communication Ethics at Pisa University (from 2001 to present)
Visiting Teaching Professor, Università per Stranieri di Perugia: Communication Ethics and Deontology (2002/03)
Visiting Teaching Professor, Master in Intercultural Communication, USI (Università della Svizzera Italiana), Lugano: Religious Worldviews and fundamental ethical choices (2004/05-2009/10)
Visiting Teaching Professor, Theological Faculty, Lugano, (Institute for Applied Philosophy; ReTe – Religions and Theology Institute; Institute for Philosophy) (from 2002/03- to present)
Visiting Teaching Professor, University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain) on “Ética y comunicación intercultural” (from 2008/09 to 2010/11)
Visiting Teaching Professor, University of Palma de Mallorca on “Filosofía de la religión y diálogo intercultural hoy” (Spring 2011).
Visiting Teaching Professor at the Catholic University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) (Spring 2012)
Visiting Teaching Professor at the Catholic University of Santiago de Chile (September 2017).

Adriano Fabris has given talks in many Italian universities and in many academic foreign institutions. For example: Universidade Nova of Lisboa (1998), Paris IV Sorbonne (2003, 2017), Federal University of Paranà (Brazil, 2005), Technische Universität Berlin (Germany, 2006), Universities of Münster (Germany, 2006), Zagreb (Croatia, 2006) and Montevideo (Uruguay, 2006), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain, 2008), University of San Buenaventura (Bogotá, Colombia, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016), University Andrés Bello (Santiago del Chile, 2011), University of Deusto (Bilbao, 2012), Humboldt Universität Berlin (2014), Universidad Austral (Valdivia, Chile: 2014), Northwestern University (2010, 2012, 2015, Evanston, Ill., USA), University of Claremont (USA: 2010, 2019), Eranos Foundation (Ascona: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2018), Universidad Industrial de Santander (Bucaramanga, Colombia, 2013), University of Vallendar (2013, Germany), Heidegger Institut, Universität Wuppertal (2013, 2015, Germany), Universidad del Pacífico (Lima, Peru, 2014), Universidad del Nuevo Leon (Monterrey, México, 2016), Universidad de Sevilla (2017, 2019), Nanzan University (Nagoya, Japan 2019), Université de Montréal (2017), UNED Madrid (2020).

2) Memberships
Member of the steering committee of the Italian Society for Moral Philosophy (from 2012 to 2016). From 2019 to present: President of the Italian Society for Moral Philosophy
Member of the board of Consulta Nazionale di Filosofia (from 2016 to present)
Member of the advisory board of Eranos Foundation, Ascona, Switzerland (from 2010 to present
Member of the Wissenschaftlicher Vorstand der Internationalen Rosenzweig Gesellschaft (from 2011 to present, Kassel-Jerusalem).
Member of the Direction of Istituto Castelli for the Philosophy of Religion (Rome, from 2011 to present)
Member of the board of the Centro Universitario Cattolico (Rome: from 2008 to present)
President of the of the “Comitato Ministeriale per la promozione della cultura tecnico-scientifica in Italia” (MIUR, L. 6/2000) (from 2014 to 2017)
Member of the “Comitato Ministeriale per la promozione della cultura tecnico-scientifica in Italia” (MIUR, L. 6/2000) (from 2017 to 2020)
Member of the “Comitato ministeriale di valutazione per riparto quota premiale FOE 201 (MIUR, 2014-2016)
Director of Interdisciplinary Center for Research and Communication (CICO), Pisa University (from 2005 to present)
Director of the Master degree in Public and Political Communication at Pisa University (2001-2014)
President of degree course DISCO – Department of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge, University of Pisa (from 2017 to present)
Member of the “Comitato ministeriale per il benessere nella scuola” (2017-2018)
Member of the “Comitato ministeriale per l’uso dei dispositivi digitali nella scuola (2017-2018)
President of PhD degree organized by Pisa and Florence Universities (2016 to present)
President of the Committee on “Digital Citizenship” at Ministero dell’Istruzione (2019)
Co-President of CeNiC (International Center of Studies on Contemporary Nihilism: (from 2018 to present)
Member of the Direction of the Fondazione Golinelli (Bologna, from 2018 to present)
Member of the Scientific Board of Scuola Alti Studi “G. Leopardi”, Macerata University (2015-2018 and from 2018 to 2021)
Member of the board of TECO-D/Filosofia, ANVUR, Italy (from 2020 to present)
Evaluator Expert AVA, ANVUR, Italy (from 2015 to present)

3) Editorial positions
Director of the journal «Teoria»
Co-director of the journal «Filosofia e Teologia»
Member of the scientific board of «Archivio di Filosofia»
Member of the scientific board of «Annuario Filosofico»
Member of the scientific board of «La Cultura»
Member of the scientific board of «Hermeneutica»
Member of the scientific board of «Anthropos»
Member of the scientific board of «Humanitas»
Member of the scientific board of «Dois Pontos» (Paranà, Brasil),
Member of the scientific board of «Phainomena» (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Member of the scientific board of «Cuestiones de filosofía» (Colombia)
Editor of a book series in philosophy for the publisher Edizioni ETS, Pisa (two series: Philosophica rossa, Comunicazione e oltre), and Morcelliana, Brescia (series: Etiche speciali)
Member of the advisory committee for philosophy of the publishers Benjamin (Amsterdam) Carocci (Roma), Edizioni ETS (Pisa), Morcelliana (Brescia), Mimesis (Milano).
Referee for the publishers Springer, Bloomsbury, Palgrave Macmillan, Benjamin, Carocci, Morcelliana, Mimesis, Edizioni ETS and for many national and international journals

4) Project Organization
He received funding for the following research projects:

1998-2000: coordinator of the research group of the University of Pisa for the project “Hermeneutics and Temporality in Philosophy of Religions”, funded by MIUR (Ministry of Instruction, University and Research)
2000-2002: coordinator of the research group of the University of Pisa for the project “Aporias of Philosophical Hermeneutics”, funded by MIUR
2002-2004: coordinator of the research group of the University of Pisa for the project “Truth, responsibility, freedom”, funded by MIUR
2004-2006: coordinator of the research group of the University of Pisa for the project “Transformations of Subjectivity in Contemporary Reflection”, funded by MIUR
2006-2008: coordinator of the research team of the University of Pisa (involving 10 European universities) of the international project on “Ethicbots” (Ethics and Robotics), financed by the European Union
2007-2009: partner of the national project coordinated by the University of Piemonte Orientale on “Philosophy and the public space”, funded by MIUR
2009-2011: partner of the national project coordinated by the University of Piemonte Orientale on “Subjectivity and the Absolute”, funded by MIUR
2015-2017: participant of the project coordinated by the University of Torino with Scuola Normale Superiore on “Transformation of the Sovereignty”, funded by MIUR
2018-2020: coordinator of the research group of the University of Pisa for the project “Ethics, Science, Democracy”, funded by Pisa University (see: )
2017-: partner of the national project coordinated by the University of Roma3 on “New challenges for applied ethics”, funded by MUR

5) Research interests
Moral philosophy; communication ethics; ethics of ICT; applied ethics; philosophy of religions; intercultural and inter-religious dialogue.

6) Publications
He published 38 authored books in Italian, English, Spanish and Slovenian.
He published 183 papers in volumes and journals (in Italian, English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese). Among the journals he has published in there are: Alvearium, Archivio di Filosofia, Annuario Filosofico, Cuestiones de filosofia, Ecos de la comunicación, Ethics & Politics, Europski Glasnik, Filosofija i Društvo, Filosofia e teologia, Giornale di Metafisica, Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik, Humanitas, Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, La Cultura, L’Arco di Giano, Paradigmi, Phainomena, Philosophy and Society, Quaestio, Questiones Disputatae, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, Rosenzweig Jahrbuch, Teoria, Théologiques, and others.

He has 735 citations according Google Scholar (retrieved on December 18, 2020), a h-index of 15, a i10-index of 22.

7) Tutoring of young scholars
Among many others, he has been doctoral advisor of Marcello Vitali Rosati (now professor at Université de Montréal, Montréal), Antonio Cimino (now professor at Radboud University, Nijmegen), Eva de Clercq (now senior researcher at Basel University), Mariano Ernesto Ure (now professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires, UBA, Argentina)

8) Awards and other honors
2007, Prize of the City of Syracuse for the peer-review journal «Teoria»;
2009, European Award of Communication from the European Association of Public Communication for the Master in Public and Politic Communication which he directs;
2009, he was awarded by the Sociedad Asturiana de Filosofia (Oviedo, Spain).
2018 he was awarded by the International Karl-Otto Apel Foundation with the “Apel Prize” for Communication Ethics.

Università di Pisa
Lungarno Pacinotti 43, 56126 Pisa
P.I. 00286820501
C.F. 80003670504

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