Articoli su rivista
Moretti A, TUAN A. (2015). The Social Media Manager as a Reputation’s gatekeeper: an analysis from the New Institutional Theory perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SALES, RETAILING AND MARKETING, vol. 4; p. 153-167, ISSN: 2045-810X
Moretti A, TUAN A. (2014). Social media marketing and relationship marketing: revolution or evolution? A first step analysis. SINERGIE, vol. 93; p. 115-137, ISSN: 0393-5108
Presentazioni in conferenze con atti pubblicati (proceedings)
TUAN A., Corciolani, M., Dalli, D., Gandolfo, A. (2015) “Emerging economy multinational firms: Discovering topics and trends through the automatic content analysis of CSR and Annual reports”, XII Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Torino, 22-23 Ottobre, ISBN 978-88-907662-4-4.
TUAN, A., Corciolani, M., Dalli, D., Gandolfo, A. (2015) “Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure in Emerging Countries. Evidence from a content analysis of Chinese CSR and Annual Reports”, 6th EMAC Regional Conference, WU Vienna, Austria, September 16-18, ISBN 978-3-200-04265-0.
TUAN A., Moretti A. (2015). Social Media and CSR Communication: an empirical analysis of organizational and managerial issues. The 8th annual EUROMED Academy of Business Conference, Verona, 16-18 September 2015, ISBN: 978-9963-711-37-6
TUAN A., Moretti A. (2015). Sensemaking and sensegiving in CSR Communication and Social Media Management: a case study, XXXVII Convegno Nazionale AIDEA Sviluppo, sostenibilità e competitività delle aziende: il contributo degli economisti aziendali. Piacenza, 10-11-12 settembre 2015, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Piacenza
Moretti A, TUAN A. (2014). The Social Media Manager as a Reputation’s Gatekeeper: an Analysis from the New Institutional Theory Perspective. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Society for Global Business and Economic Development Managing the “Intangibles”: Business and Entrepreneurship Perspectives in a Global Context. Ancona, 16-18 July 2014, p. 1267-1281, ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-907795-7-2
Moretti A, TUAN A. (2013). Social Media as a laboratory of value creation in the CSR Field. In: Atti del X Convegno Società Italiana Marketing. Milano, 3 – 4 October 2013, ISBN 9788890766213
Moretti A, TUAN A. (2013). Social Media Marketing and Relationship Marketing: revolution or evolution? A first step analysis. In: Atti del Convegno SINERGIE. Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona), 24-25 October 2013, ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-907394-3-9